National Holidays


Belgium's neighbors France, Germany and England. Conquered by German tribes, Christianized by the 7th century and carved up during the Frankish Empire in 1100, much of Belgium enjoyed a golden age of prosperity and artistry under the French Duke of Burgundy during the 14th century.

With the demise of Bruges due to British competition and a silted river, Antwerp soon became the greatest port in Europe. The golden age began to tarnish in the mid-15th century when the Low Countries (present-day Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg) were inherited by Spain, igniting a long battle against Catholic Spanish rule. The fanatically Catholic Philip II of Spain sent in the Inquisition to enforce Catholicism.

Thousands were imprisoned or executed before full-scale war erupted in 1568. The Revolt of the Netherlands lasted 80 years and in the end Holland and its allied provinces booted out the Spaniards.

Belgium and Luxembourg stayed under Spanish rule. Napoleon's defeat at the Battle of Waterloo near Brussels led to the creation, in 1814, of the United Kingdom of the Netherlands, melding Belgium and Luxembourg into the Netherlands. But the Catholic Belgians revolted, winning independence in 1830.

Despite Belgium's neutral policy, the Germans invaded in 1914. Another German attack in 1940 saw the entire country taken over within three weeks. King Leopold III's questionably early capitulation to the Germans led to his abdication in 1950 in favor of his son, King Boudewijn, whose popular reign ended with his death in 1993. Childless, Boudewijn was succeeded by his brother, the present King Albert II.

Postwar Belgium was characterized by an economic boom, later accentuated by Brussels' appointment as the headquarters of the European Union (EU) and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Belgium of today is home to a vast army of diplomats, and with them has come a rampant form of internationalism - followed closely by bland skyscrapers and intimidatory restaurants.

While the country's number one city is being busily groomed to suit the rest of Europe, the Belgians themselves remain nonchalant - the true spirit of Belgium will always emanate from its people and its past.

 Action 5.1 activity 9 “Support for quality and innovation of the Program Youth.”
Project no: 5.1/R1/2003/06 Made by Hienet working Teams in cooperation with T.E.S.