Up - Countries

useful questions preguntes útils
Do you speak English? Parles anglès?
How much is it? Quant val/ costa?
What's the time? Quina hora és?
What's the date today? Quin dia és avui?
Where is ... ? On és ...?
May I…? Podria (more polite)
Is it possible to…? Puc/ és possible?
Do you know…? Saps (places)/ Coneixes (people)...?
Is this seat free? Està lliure aquest seient?
Is there a lift? Hi ha algun ascensor?
Where is the bathroom? On és el bany?
Do you have a public telephone? Teniu telèfon públic?
Can I use your telephone? Puc usar el vostre telèfon?
How much does it cost to get in? Quant val/ costa entrar?
What time does… arrive / leave? A quina arriba / marxa ...?
Can I park here? How long? Puc aparcar aquí? Quanta estona?
Does this road take to…? És aquesta la carratera que porta/ va a ...?
What is the addres? Quina és l' adreça?
Could you write the address? Podria escriure l'adreça?
Can I have the bill? Em porteu el compte?
Do you have a padlock? Teniu candau?
What time do you open / close? A quina hora obarriba / marxa ...?
Can I have some change? Em podríeu donar canvi?
Can I take pictures here? Puc dur/ portar fotografies/ fotos aquí?
Can I talk with (the owner)? Podria parlar amb (el propietari)?
Where can I buy…? On puc comprar ...?
Do you have a map? Té un mapa?
Where can I go tonight? On puc anar aquesta nit?
What is that? Què és això?
Is there good weather? Fa bon temps?
Am I allowed to camp here? M'és permès d'acampar aquí?
Do you have something else? Té quelcom més?
Do you accept credit cards? Accepteu targetes de crèdit?
How much is it to process a film? Quant val/ costa revelar un rodet?
Do you have a light? Teniu una llum?
Do you mind if I smoke? Us importa (si fumo/ que fumi)?
Can I smoke here? Puc fumar aquí?