Up - Countries

getting around per a anar a qualsevol lloc
Bicicle Bici/ bicicleta
Boat Vaixell
Bus Bus/ autobús
By foot A peu
Car Cotxe
Motorbike Moto/ motocicleta
Plane Avió
Taxi Taxi
Train Tren
Tram Tramvia
How much it is to go to…? Quant val anar a ...?
Do I get a discount? Em féu descompte?
Do I have to book a ticket? He de reservar un bitllet?
What time is the … to…? A quina hora és ... cap a ... 
How long does it take? Quanta estona es triga/ tarda?
From where do I get it? D'on el trec?
What direction? Cap a on?
Do I have to change? He de canviar?
I'd like a ticket to… Voldria un bitllet per a anar a ...
One-way ticket Bitllet (d'anar/ d'anada)
Return ticket Bitllet (de tornar/ de tornada)
Student's fare tarifa d'estudiants
Child's fare tarifa de nens
Pensioner's fare tarifa de pensionista
1st class 1era classe/ classe preferent
2nd class 2ona classe/ classe turista
The cheapest ticket El bitllet més barat
First Primera (stop: parada)
Next Pròxima
Last Última
Where do I have to get off? On he de baixar
Could you let me know when we get to…? Hem podria dir quan arribem/ serem a ...
I want to get off! Vull baixar!
The train is delayed / canceled El tren arriba amb retard/ el tren ha estat cancel.lat
Directions Direccions
What is this street / neighbourhood? Quin és aquest carrer / barri?
How do you get to ... ? Com puc (anar/ arribar) a ...? 
Is it far / near from…? És lluny/ a prop de ...?
Can you show me (on the map)? Pot (mostrar-me-ho/ indicar-me-ho) (al mapa)?
Can I walk there? Puc arribar-hi caminant?
Which bus goes to ...? Quin autobús va a ...?
Are there other means of getting there? S'hi pot arribar amb altres mitjans?
Here Aquí
Go straight ahead Tira/continua (Tiri/ continuï: polite) recte endavant
Turn left Gira/ giri cap a l'esquerra
Turn right Gira/ giri cap a la dreta
Behind Darrera/ darrere
Next to A prop de/ prop de/ al costat de ...
Opposite Contrari
In front of Al davant de ...
Up / Above cap amunt / (a) sobre
Down / Under cap avall / (a) sota
Far Lluny
Near (A) prop