Up - Countries

NOTE: Difference between polite and friendly is given in verbs as "Habla / s" meaning polite / friendly.
The same is done for male / female (for example, "cansado / a").
Spanish also uses ¡ and ¿ to open ! and ?

emergencies emergencia
Does anyone speak English? Alguien habla inglés?
It's an emergency! Es una emergencia!
There's been an accident! Ha habido un accidente!
Call a doctor! Llamen a un médico!
Call an ambulance! Llamen a una ambulancia!
I've been raped Me han violado
I've been robbed Me han robado
Call the police! Llamen a la policía!
Where is the police station? Dónde está la comisaría?
Go away! Vete! Vayase! (pol)
I'll call the police! Llamaré a la policía!
Thief! Al ladrón!
I'm / my friend is ill Estoy / Está enfermo/a
I'm lost Me he perdido
Could you help me please? Me puede ayudar, por favor?
I didn't realise I was doing anything wrong No sabía que estaba haciendo algo malo.
I didn't do it No fuí yo
I wish to contact my embassy / consulate Quisiera hablar con mi embajada / consolado
I have medical insurance Tengo seguro médico
My possessions are insured Mis pertenecias están aseguradas
My … was stolen Me han robado...
I've lost my bag He perdido la bolsa
I've lost my wallet He perdido la cartera
I've lost my passort He perdido el pasaporte