Either if you are now participating in the program, you were, you are
interested in it, or this is the first time you ever heard this name,
this website is for you!
Just read further and you will discover that Eurotool is an endless
source of information and your platform to let your voice be heard.
Eurotool provides you with information taken from official sources and
real experiences about what is youth, how do you apply, what has been
done till now, what do you really experience, but also with information
about the countries that take part in the program, from their
history and time zone to cheap accommodation and cultural events.
What is YOUTH?
is a program from the European Commission for young people aged
between 15 and 25 and for people working in the youth field. Together
with other programs, it constitutes a
European space for alternative
education through the cooperation of the member states.
And what do
you get?
possibility to go for a while (from a few days up to 12 months) to a member state
to work there in different fields with other young people.
The aim of the program is clear: to give a formative experience to the young people
so they are better prepared for the future, at the same time that they
understand better what is Europe and they get involved in its
To achieve this goal, it promotes initiative, mobility,
intercultural learning and solidarity within the young people, the
organizations, and the communities where they live.