HIENET, the creator of this web site, is a NGO that has been working
with the European Program YOUTH for many years. We run a lot of YOUTH
projects and we have many partners in all the European countries. Every
day, we have visits, e-mails, phone calls and fax messages from young
people who would like to participate in this program but that have lots
of questions about it: What, How, When, Who, with Whom...?
This is one of the main reasons why we have worked hard to publish
Eurotool. In this section, we hope to give easy answers to all these
questions by publishing the official Users' Guide of the program (which
you can also download) and a dynamic section with the answers to the
Frequently Asked Questions. Apart from this, you will probably also find
useful the information about real projects found under the section
For the YOUTH program there are National Agencies
established in all 30 Program Countries. The Agencies assist with the promotion
and implementation of the Program at national level.
Finally, why don't you get in touch with
the real YOUTH world in our
And remember that Eurotool gives you the chance to apply
on line!