Except for travel and exceptional costs, the Community contribution to
activities is not directly linked to any specific costs and consists of
fixed amounts which do not have to be accounted for or justified. The
beneficiaries may use the contribution as they see fit, as long as they
fulfill the obligations.
This funding mechanism is designed to help applicants estimate the size of the
grant expected and facilitate realistic planning of the exchange.
A detailed description of the objectives and the type of related activities for
which the grant will be used must be provided in the
application. This will be
one of the most important elements to be examined in selecting projects.
Community grant
Sending group
- 70% of actual travel costs (young people and group leaders)
- Contribution to an advance planning visit
- Fixed amount for the preparation of participants and activities (including
- Actual exceptional costs relating to young people with special needs or to
the special nature of activities
Host group
- Fixed amount for the preparation of activities and participants (including
- Fixed amount per project to cover general activity costs
- Flat rate per participant (young people and group leaders) per day
Actual exceptional costs relating to young people with special needs or to
the special nature of activities
Advance planning visit
For the advance planning visit (A. P. V), 100% of the travel costs and a flat
rate per day are funded. This funding is granted for a maximum of two days and
covers one participant per sending group, or two on the condition that the
second is a young participant. The planning meeting should take place in the
country hosting the project.
Exceptional costs
A number of extra costs can be funded if the project either involves young
people with less opportunities and possibly special needs (due to a disability
or other circumstances) or has a special pedagogical content, and/or if such
funding is warranted by the special nature of the activities.
Vaccination and visa costs are regarded as exceptional costs.
All exceptional costs must be actual costs, properly supported and