Youth Exchanges
Support Measures

Support Measures

In addition to the general aims and criteria as outlined in chapter G and H.1, third-country Support Measures should comply with the following specific criteria:

  •  Activity 9 (support for quality and innovation) is not eligible for third-country cooperation. Nor are activities supporting
    Action 3 or Action 4 of the YOUTH program.
  • Activities must be multilateral, i.e. involve a minimum of four countries.
  • They must involve a minimum of two Program countries (of which at least one must be an EU Member State).
  • In the case of Euro-Med cooperation, two EU Member States must be involved.
  • They must involve at least two third countries from the same region.
  • Activities 1 (practical training experience/job shadowing) and 2 (feasibility visits), as well as activities aiming to develop
    EVS with third countries, may involve only two or three partner countries and are selected at a national level.

There should be a balance between the number of Program countries and the number of third countries. The national groups should be balanced and consist of approximately equal numbers of participants.

Foreword Glossary Introduction "YOUTH" Participation Action 1: Youth for Europe Action 2 : EVS Action 3 : Youth Initiatives Action 4: Joint Action Action 5 : Support Measures Third Countries List of contact details 

Home Program Youth N. Agencies FAQ
 Action 5.1 activity 9 “Support for quality and innovation of the Program Youth.”
Project no: 5.1/R1/2003/06 Made by Hienet working Teams in cooperation with T.E.S.