Action 1
Action 2
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Action 4
Action 5

Rocketwar in Chios
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Municipality of Homeroupolis
Chios Primary Education Office

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Mailing lists





Contact Details Field Actions Location
Institut Hartheim - Grüne Werkstatt

Green Workshops

zentrale@institut-hartheim.at Nature and animals Action 2 Alkoven
Verein Schloß Hartheim The Value of Life zentrale@institut-hartheim.at Historical Learning Action 2 Alkoven
Institut Hartheim Lakota
zentrale@institut-hartheim.at   Action 2 Alkoven
Institut Hartheim - Gartenhaus: Amigo und Aussicht Living Groups Amigo und Aussicht zentrale@institut-hartheim.at   Action 2 Alkoven
Jugendzentrum ATOLL Youth Centre ATOLL jugendzentrum@amstet-ten.noe.gv.at   Action 2 Amstretten
Mädchenzentrum AmaZone Girls Centre AmaZone aha@aha.or.at   Action 2 Bregenz
Verein zur Förderung der Waldorfpädagogik Waldorfkindergarten / Spielgruppe Bregenz aha@aha.or.at Children Activities Action 2 Bregenz
ÖJHV - International Youth and Family Hostel Cap Wörth-Velden Feel well in the culture and the surroundings of the International Youth Hostel jgh.capwoerth@oejhv.or.at   Action 2 Cap-Wörth/ Velden
GIZ Thayaland (Grenzüberschreitendes Impulszentrum) European Children - playing against mental borders giz.thayaland@aon.at Children Activities Action 2 Dobersberg
"aha" - Tipps und Infos für junge Leute Youth Information Centre aha@aha.or.at Youth Information Action 2 Dornbirn
Caritas der Diözese Feldkirch Caritas-Assistance in the Department of foreign Co-operation aha@aha.or.at Social Welfare Action 2 Feldkirch
Jugendzentrum Fürstenfeld Youth Centre FÜRSTENFELD Info@logo.at Youth Activities Action 2 Fürstenfeld
Verein MIKILELE "Mit Kindern leben lernen" Intercultural Learning for kindergarden and school pupils info@topz.at Children Activities Action 2 Gänserndorf
Offenes Jugendzentrum Graz Youth One World eurotreff@donbosco.at Children Activities Action 2 Graz
Jugendtreff Käfer Youth Club "Käfer" Kleinwalsertal aha@aha.or.at   Action 2 Hirschegg
Scheuchenstuel-Mädchenheim Girl´s Home evs.tirol@dioezese-innsbruck.at   Action 2 Innsbruck
Kindergarten für alle Kindergarten for everybody evs.tirol@dioezese-innsbruck.at Children Activities Action 2 Innsbruck
Verein Multikulturell New Media - An educational programme for young migrants with training mosaik@migration.cc   Action 2 Innsbruck
Künstlerhaus Büchsenhausen/ Tyrolean Artists Accosiation artists in context/ artistes contre l'exclusion office@buechsenhausen.at   Action 2 Innsbruck
Kindergarten und Hortbetreuung Klagenfurt Jugend eine Welt - Kinder- und Jugendbegleitung volontariat@donbosco.at Children Activities Action 2 Klagenfurt
Landesjugendreferat Kärnten Youth information in Carinthia gernot.ogris@ktn.gv.at Youth Information Action 2 Klagenfurt
Wohnheim St. Martin Wohnheim St. Martin more international grenzenlos@chello.at Disabled People Action 2 Klosterneuburg
SOLA - Wohngruppe Langenstein SOLA - Wohngruppe Langenstein sola@aon.at Youth and Children Action 2 Langenstein
Caritas St. Elisabeth Caritas St. Elisabeth office@4yougend.at Disabled People Action 2 Linz
Oberösterreichische Landjugend Youth projects assistance at Landjugend Oberösterreich ref-landj@lk-ooe.at   Action 2 Linz
Haus am Seespitz Drug rehabilitation-Centre evs.tirol@dioezese-innsbruck.at Drug rehabilitation Action 2 Maurach
Schön für behinderte Menschen Living working and holiday activities zentrale@institut-hartheim.at Disabled People Action 2 Micheldorf
Verein Haus der Jugend Youth Center Mödling haus.der.jugend@kabsi.at Youth Activities Action 2 Mödling
Nationalpark Oberösterreichische Kalkalpen National Park Kalkalpen: Information & Nature nationalpark@kalkalpen.at Information & Nature Action 2 Molln
Paracelsusschule Salzburg Intercultural learn-experience office@akzent.net Children Activities Action 2 Niederalm/Anif
Verein für ganzheitliche Förderung/ Förderzentrum Pramet Betreuung von körperlich & geistig behinderten Kindern/Jugendl office@4yougend.at Disabled children & Youth Action 2 Pramet
Verein Spektrum Children and youth centre office@akzente.net Children Activities Action 2 Salzburg
MARK Verein Jugend in Beruf und Freizeit MARK.freizeit.kultur - Centre for Culture and Leisure Time office@akzente.net Youth Info & Activities Action 2 Salzburg
Literaturhaus Salzburg Literaturhaus Salzburg (Literature Center) office@akzente.net Culture Action 2 Salzburg
Radiofabrik Radiofabrik office@akzente.net Media & Communication Action 2 Salzburg
Österreichische Kinderfreunde - Landesorganisation Salzburg CIty-district project "KECK" - mobile children and youth animation office@akzente.net Youth & Children Activities Action 2 Salzburg
H2 SchülerInnenzentrum H2 - SchülerInnenzentrum grenzenlos@chello.at Youth Activities Action 2 St. Pölten
TOPZ - Jugendinfo Niederösterreich Youth Information NÖ info@topz.at Youth Information Action 2 St. Pölten
WWOOF Austria Environmental Experience on an organic Farm info@logo.at Agriculture Action 2 St. Stefan ob Stainz
Alfschule Cultural Exchange in our school grenzenlos@chello.at Children Activities Action 2 Vienna
Verein Wiener Jugendzentren - 19 kmh 19 kmh - Outreach Work in Heiligenstadt grenzenlos@chello.at Youth Activities Action 2 Vienna
Verein zur Förderung und Unterstützung von Freien Lokalen und Nichtkommerziellen Orange 94.0 - Freies Radio Wien grenzenlos@chello.at Media & Communication Action 2 Vienna
Caritas Vienna - "Haus Rober Hamerlinggasse" Notquartier und Wohnheim für Flücht Projekt Rocking Horse - Betreuung von Flüchtlingskinder im Haus Robert Hamerlinggasse grenzenlos@chello.at   Action 2 Vienna
Sozialistische Jugend Wien New Media against exclusion and prejudice office@sj-wien.at New Media & Campaigns Action 2 Vienna
Stiftung Kindertraum Wishes Can Come True grenzenlos@chello.at Children Activities Action 2 Vienna
Kindergruppe Amerlinghaus Child care group 'Amerlinghaus' grenzenlos@chello.at Children Activities Action 2 Vienna
Interkulturelles Zentrum youthNET iz@iz.or.at Culture Action 2 Vienna
Verein Impuls Kinder Kindergruppe "Impuls Kinder" aha@aha.or.at Culture Activities Action 2 Wolfurt





Contact Details Field Actions Location
Université Connaissance et Concept de Chimay


sky56338@skynet.be Agriculture Action 2 Virelles - Chimay
VIA- T Affront T Fietsateljee, social inclusion of economically disadvantaged people through bicycle recyclation via@glo.be Less Opportunities Action 2 Antwerp
Loca Labora AFS-Loca Labora: social exclusion afsbfl@afs.org Agriculture Action 2 Beernem
*AFS Interculturele Programma's AFS-Volunteer Support afsbfl@afs.org Youth Information Action 2 Brussels
European Movement Belgium Destination Europe mebebb@misc.irisnet.be Youth Information Action 2 Brussels
Jesuit Refugee service - Europe Media Relations for Refugees - Jesuit Refugee Service Europe europe@jesref.org Refugees Action 2 Brussels
GC De Zeyp VillaArts II dezeyp@vgc.be Culture Action 2 Brussels
Maatschappelijke Jongeren Actie On the road for safe sex info@mja.be Youth Information Action 2 Brussels
Amnesty International Approach of human rights through different means info-belgium-french@afs.org Human Rights Action 2 Brussels
Le musée des enfants/ het Kindermuseum Children museum : animation and exhibition info-belgium-french@afs.org Children Activities Action 2 Brussels
Solidarcité (SOS jeunes asbl) Solidarcité: Une année citoyenne pour construire et se construire www.solidarcite.be
Work Camps Action 2 Brussels
Food First Information and Action Network Sensibilisation et éducation au droit de l'homme à se nourrir fian.belgium@skynet.be Information Action 2 Brussels
La Ruelle ASBL Un autre regard sur la pauvreté javva@swing.be Local Environment Action 2 Brussels
Croix Rouge de la Jeunesse Youth Red Cross : animation, knowledg exchange... info-belgium-french@afs.org Youth Activities Action 2 Brussels
Petit Château, centre d'accueil pour réfugiés Refugee centre : animation, training, renovation,... info-belgium-french@afs.org Refugees Action 2 Brussels
Fondation Auschwitz asbl - Centre d'études et de documentation Holocaust memory. Multi-media, library info-belgium-french@afs.org Research & Information Action 2 Brussels
Belgisches Rotes Kreuz - Empfangszentrum für Asylbewerber "St-Elisabeth Haus" Multi-cultural in one house - is it possible? centre.manderfeld@red-cross-fr.be Refugees Action 2 Brussels
Medisch Pedagogisch Instituut Heilig Hart AFS-MPI: working with people with a mental handicap (Educational institution) afsbfl@afs.org Disabled People Action 2 Deinze
Het Affront Production Assistance in an Oriental Dance Theatre Company via@glo.be Culture Action 2 Deurne
Wagenschot Pedagogical Centre In the name of the game school@wagenschot.be Less opportunities Action 2 Eke-Nazareth
GDU Elsenborn-St.Vith Begleitung von behinderten Kindern und Jugendlichen guw.gdu.elsenborn@swi-ng.be Disabled People Action 2 Elsenborn
BRF - Belgischer Rundfunk BRF - Medien Info@brf.be Media & Communication Action 2 Eupen
Behindertenstätten G.o.E. Königin Fabiola Haus A house for handicapped people fabiolahaus@swing.be Disabled People Action 2 Eupen
Die Raupe V. o. E. Protection of the environment p.kelleter@raupe.be Environmental Action 2 Eupen
Jugendtreff X-Dream Get ready! jtxdream@rdj.be Youth Activities Action 2 Eupen
Voor Moeder Aarde Voor Moeder Aarde pol@motherearth.org Environmental Action 2 Gent
Gemeentebestuur Heusden Zolder Intercultural Youthwork gemeente@heusden-zolder.be Youth Activities Action 2 Heusden Zolder
Youth Centre X Discover Youth Centre X jeugddienst.hoeselt@pan-dora.be Youth Activities Action 2 Hoeselt
Jongeren-begeleiding Aura, realisation of an integral leisureprogramme in dialogue with youngsters info@cdvaura.be Youth Activities Action 2 Kortrijk
AFS- Rode Kruis Opvangcentrum Lanaken AFS - Red Cross Refugee Centre afsbfl@afs.org Refugees Action 2 Lanaken
Jeugdcentrum Vleugel F / Stedelijk Jeugdwerk Leuven Pilot project: EVS Twin Towns and Inclusion jeugddienst@leuven.be Youth Activities Action 2 Leuven
Kunstbank AFS-Take P-art afsbfl@afs.org Art & Culture Action 2 Leuven
Nestwarmte Projet viitor vzw.nestwarmte@pand-ora.be Less Opportunities Action 2 Meeuwen-Gruitrode
Vlaamse Dienst Speelpleinwerk International Volunteerism: Playing with Children vds@speelplein.net Youth & Children Action 2 Meise

Opvangcentrum vogels en wilde dieren Oostende

Wildlife Rescue claude.velter@lin.vlaand-eren.be Environmental Action 2 Oostende
Het Grote Plein Europe, a place to live veerle@hetgroteplein.be Disabled People Action 2 Roosdaal
Rode Kruis Opvangcentrum Steenokkerzeel AFS -Refugee Centre Steenokkerzeel afsbfl@afs.org Refugees Action 2 Steenokkerzeel
La maison des Familles Social exclusion, social economy and continuous education maisonfamilles@swing.be Local Community Action 2 Tournai
Resto du Coeur de Verviers Social restaurant, meeting, listening and talking to underprivileged restoducoeurvs@swing.be Local Community Action 2 Verviers





Contact Details Field Actions Location
European Commission - Directorate General Enlargement


Regional committee of the BRC - Bourgas Drugs and AIDS prevention among young people in Bourgas burgas@redcross.bg Youth Information Action 2 Bourgas
Culture House "Napredak 1869"- Youth theatre "Alternativa" Life is a stage and are we ready for it? mtalternativa@yahoo.com Youth Activities Action 2 Gorna Orjahovitza
Youth center Young Europe within the Youth center crdm@haskovo.spnet.net
Youth & Children Activities Action 2 Haskovo
Municipality of Pazardzhik Love and Care vassil_kosturkov@abv.bg Disabled People Action 2 Pazardzhik
MUNICIPAL YOUTH COUNCIL Improvement of the culture historical monuments myc_petrich@abv.bg Environmental Action 2 Petrich
Environmental Organization Rhodope Enhancing Environment & Culture Consciousness among Visitors and Locals eor@rhodope.org Environmental Action 2 Shiroka Luka
Bulgarian Red Cross - Regional Committee Youth social work in Shumen brc-sh@psit35.net   Action 2 Shumen
National Social Rehabilitation Centre Volunteer in a Centre for social services for disabled people nsrc@einet.bg Disabled People Action 2 Sofia
Art in Action Active Partnership bobi@otel.net Art & Culture Action 2 Sofia
Usardie Computer World usardie@abv.bg Disabled People Action 2 Sofia
Destination Bulgaria Foundation - Environmentally Friendly Residence for Artists
- Art-House "usually we spend our time in the garden"
Art & Culture Action 2 Sofia
Healthcare school "Nikola Vapcarov" Hours of fantasy and exercises for imagination pumbatr@yahoo.com
Children Activities Action 2 Varshetz
Open Youth - Euro - Open Youth
- Be my friend
Youth Information
Youth Activities
Action 2 Vidin


Czech Republic



Contact Details Field Actions Location
PermaLot Youthful Local Community Development PermaLot@PermaLot.cz Rural Development Action 2 Bouzov
Zidovska obec Brno (Jewish Community Brno) to take care of the jewish historical heritage zob@zob.cz Heritage Protection Action 2 Brno
TUZ se Broumovsko to enable people to find way how to stay and recognise new relations to their native land and mainly natural and cultural heritage. stuz@centrumbroumov.cz Heritage Protection Action 2 Broumov
AVE Association work with drug addicted with delinquency and pathological phenomenons kacko@atlas.cz Anti Drugs Action 2 Cesky Tesin
Sance pro Tebe Chrudim Free-time club for youth to teach youngster how to approach different cultures and accept them. bara.jindrova@email.cz Youth Leisure Action 2 Chrudim
DIAKONIE - stredisko D. Ceskobratrske cirkve evangelicke Help to the elderly with handicap diakonie.dk@wo.cz Elderly Action 2 Dvur Kralove n. Labem
Ledovec Help people with mental disability or psychiatric problems could live and work ledovec@ledovec.cz Disable People Action 2 Ledce
Tandem Youth informing Youth tandem@mbox.zcu.cz Youth Information Action 2 Plzen
SUD-Free Artistic Workshop Free Artistic Workshop jeslinko@volny.cz
Art And Culture Action 2 Prague
Jewish Community in Prague Social Services for Holocaust Survivors socialni@kehilaprag.cz
Other Action 2 Prague
Youth Information Centre Youth Information Centre castkova@adam.cz  Youth Information Action 2 Prague1
Car Busters promoting alternatives to the car, bicycling, walking, public transport and redesigning cities carbusters@ecn.cz Other Action 2 Prague 10
Info Café Annares-Association 2000 to create information about the café, such as making brochures, developing a database of contacts annares@seznam.cz Media and Communication Action 2 Prague 7
Pamatnik Terezin  taking care for groups accomodated in the Meeting Centre giving information, guiding the tours; cooperation with the staff pamatnik@unl.pvtnet.cz Other Action 2


YOGA in Daily life (Jóga v denním životì) participation in the daily routine of the ashram life, yoga lessons, seminars deva@razdva.cz Health Action 2 ŽÏárec u Skutèe





Contact Details Field Actions Location

Leisuretime, Youth-and senior club "THE HOUSE"

susan.krag@afs.org Children & Youth Activities Action 2 Aabenraa
Højskolen Østersøen Youth gateway between Europe and the Danish region of Sønderjylland adm@hojoster.dk Youth Activities Action 2 Aabenraa
Vibegården Vibegården residential home diakoniaaret@dia-konissen.dk Disabled People Action 2 Copenhagen
PRESS - Red Barnet Ungdom Danish Experience, U-Nettet info@u-nettet.dk Youth work & Culture Action 2 Copenhagen
TEBA The Children Centre TEBA diakoniaaret@dia-konissen.dk Children Activities Action 2 Frederiksberg
Kindergarten Mariagaarden The children centre at the Deaconess Foundation diakoniaaret@dia-konissen.dk Children Activities Action 2 Frederiksberg
Cafeen på Nyelandsvej The cafe at Nyelandsvej diakoniaaret@dia-konissen.dk Social Activities Action 2 Frederiksberg
Kindergarten Frederiksværk, WMCA Children and Youth Center Children centre "Musereden" in Frederiksværk diakoniaaret@dia-konissen.dk Children Activities Action 2 Frederiksværk
DSI Givskud Zoo Modern Zoo animal keeping info@givskudzoo.dk Nature & Animals Action 2 Give
YMCA/ YWCA Haslev YMCA/ YWCA Haslev diakoniaaret@dia-konissen.dk Children & Youth Activities Action 2 Haslev
Aflastningsafdelingen Sankt Lukas Stiftelsen The meeting place - Church Outreach in Hellerup diakoniaaret@dia-konissen.dk Less Opportunities Action 2 Hellerup
KFUM at the church Nørreland The children centre at the church Nørreland diakoniaaret@dia-konissen.dk Children Activities Action 2 Holstebro
YMCA/YWCA youth club i Kjellerup YMCA/ YWCA in Kjellerup diakoniaaret@dia-konissen.dk Children & Youth Activities Action 2 Kjellerup
Ung Terra Nova Interactive theatre in disadvantaged Copenhagen aabenhus@adr.dk Youth Activities Action 2 Copenhagen
Youth Church of Copenhagen/ Brorson kirke Youth church of Copenhagen/ Brorsons Church diakoniaaret@dia-konissen.dk   Action 2 Copenhagen
Børnekulturstedet Børnekulturstedet (Vesterbro Children and Youth Culture House) bks@bibliotek.kk.dk Children Activities Action 2 Copenhagen
Future Kulture Youth Activities (Sport, media and Communication) Futurekulture@hot-mail.com Youth Activities Action 2 Copenhagen
The meeting Place - church Migrant Outreach The meeting place - Church Migrant Outreach, Vesterbro diakoniaaret@dia-konissen.dk Less Opportunities Action 2 Copenhagen
The International Apostolic Folks Highschool Children centre at the Apostolic Folks Highschool diakoniaaret@dia-konissen.dk Children Activities Action 2 Kolding
Houens Odde Spejdercenter The International Scout Centre in Denmark houensodde@kfum-scout.dk Children & Youth Activities Action 2 Kolding
Hyllinge børnehus Hyllinge childrenshouse susan.krag@afs.org Children Activities Action 2 Næstved
Åalborg Ungdomsskole Multihouse activities for youth os-kultur@aalborg.dk Youth Activities Action 2 Nørresundby
The Meeting Place - Church Migrant Outreach, Odense The Meeting Place - Church Migrant Outreach, Odense diakoniaaret@dia-konissen.dk Migrants Action 2 Odense
Gimle Venue, cultural youth centre and students house info@cafegimle.dk Youth Activities Action 2 Roskilde
Missionen blandt Hjemløse - Cafe for homeless - Pegasus
- Cafe for homeless - Amadeus
diakoniaaret@dia-konissen.dk Less Opportunities Action 2 Valby
Verahus Verahus residential home diakoniaaret@dia-konissen.dk Disabled People Action 2 Valby
Møltrup Optagelseshjem Møltrup Community Home - Center for Cure of Alcohol Abusers diakoniaaret@dia-konissen.dk Local Community Action 2 Vildbjerg





Contact Details Field Actions Location
Rebala Heritage Reserve preservation and protection of ancient cultural landscapes in this area, archaeological historical and architectual monuments situated there margit.partel@mail.ee Heritage protection Action 2


Anna koguduse maja organizing indoors and outdoors activity and games for children estyes@estyes.ee Youth and Children Action 2


Kindergarten Midrimaa to give kids the first lessons of democracy and teaching them to make choices in the life estyes@estyes.ee Social Integration Action 2


NGO Paldiski Design Studio to work for empower the children and youth through the exploration of creative art designstudio@lycos.com Art and Culture Action 2 Paldiski
Pahkla Camphilli Küla Work on an ecological farm and social life with people with special needs pahklack@hot.ee Environment Action 2 Rapla maakond
Alternative Language Programs Satellite to integrate the multinational young people of Estonia and help them to make their first step together into European Community vr@stv.ee Youth Policies Action 2 Tallinn
NGO Zerkalo to help disadvantaged youth for promote humor video film festivals, filmmaking workshops, seminars and exiperimental film Ngo_zerkalo@hotmail.com Media and Communication Action 2 Tallinn
HAABERSTI SOCIAL CENTRE for people who have psychical problems,elderly people and assistance and support to children who come from problematic families habsot@uninet.ee  http://www.uninet.ee/~habsot/ Elderly and Disable People Action 2 Tallinn
NGO Öökull Children´s and Adolescents who have lost their home, family and secure environment for growth lii.brikkel@mail.ee Social Integration Action 2 Tartu
NGO Youth Centre "KOHT" work with young people in open youth centres luule.press@raad.tartu.ee Youth Leisure Action 2 Tartu
Soomaa Nationalpark The Ecological year tonis@viljandimaa.ee Environment Action 2 Viljandi





Contact Details Field Actions Location
Kälviän vapaa-aikalautakunta

Connection Kälviä / Europe

kirsi.hanninen@kal-via.fi Youth Activities Action 2 Kälviä
Kauhajoki youth department Youth work in Kauhajoki and Teuva municipalities pirjo.ala-fossi@kauhajoki.fi Youth Activities Action 2 Kauhajoki
Youth Department of Kokkola City Performing art school of Kokkola city mika.pietila@kokkola.fi Art & Culture Action 2 Kokkola
Vesaisten Kuopion piiri Ry Co-operation in Local Youthwork anne.ryhanen@vesai-set.fi Children Activities Action 2 Kuopio
Vesaisten Karjalan piiri Ry Culture experiences in South Carelia karjala@vesaiset.fi Children Activities Action 2 Lappeenranta
Deitsche Seemannsmission Mäntyluoto Volunteer service at German Seamens Mission Mäntyluoto mantyluoto@seemanns-mission.org   Action 2 Mäntyluoto
Tapolan kyläyhteisö Camphill Community Tapola tapolan@kolumbus.fi Disabled People Action 2 Niinikoski
Nurmeksen 4H-yhdistys Youth energy in land of polar bears nurmeksen.4h-yhdistys@oyk.pkky.fi Youth Activities Action 2 Nurmes
Taidepajayhdistys ry The art work shop of Pyhätunturi -new way of youth work pyhan.taidepaja@pelko-senniemi.inet.fi Youth Activities Action 2 Pyhätunturi
Finnish Red Cross - Lapland district Promotion of Humatitarian Values and Tolerance saija.valtasaari@red-cross.fi   Action 2 Rovaniemi
YMCA of Tampere Experience YMCA and The Point Café mikko.malkamaki@tan-mky.com Youth Activities Action 2 Tampere
Finnish Red Cross Turku Reception center Youth And European Solidaritycye Europewide EVS Project On Refugees hosting@maailmanvai-hto.fi Refugees Action 2 Turku
Vaasa youth department Youth Club Villa Gerby, Vaasa ilkka.ojanen@vaasa.fi Youth Activities Action 2 Vaasa
Ylivieska youth department Youthwork in Ylivieska city elisa.mannisto@ylivie-ska.fi Youth Activities Action 2 Ylivieska





Contact Details Field Actions Location
L'Arche « Les Trois Fontaines » Centre who Help handicap people (orga. parapluie) AnneeDiaco@aol.com Disabled people Action 2 Ambleteuse
Fondation Sansouire / Station biologique de la Tour du Valat

Recherche          scientifique         

nom@tourduvalat.org Heritage protection Action 2 Arles
Solidarites jeunesses - Languedoc Roussillon Aid for not integrate people Ltv@solidaritesjeunesses.org Social Integration Action 2  
Maison de retraite "Le petit chateau "

Centre who help old people

MdRPetitChateau@aol.com Elderly Action 2 Beblenheim
Foyer de jeunes travailleurs de Belfort

Developement of the sport and the leisures for underprivileged young people

FJT.BELFORT@wanadoo.fr Youth sports Action 2 Belfort

aid in the hospital people with psychological problem

readaptation.billiers@wanadoo.fr Health Action 2 Billiers
Fondation Sonnenhof

mentally handicapped people

(orga. parapluie) AnneeDiaco@aol.com Health Action 2 BISCHWILLER cedex
Association Blanquefortaise

cultural and sporting activity

a.b.c@wanadoo.fr youth sports Action 2 Blanquefort

Musique et Animation

cb.france@wanadoo.fr Art and culture Action 2 Burlats

project with the gypsy community

cb.france@wanadoo.fr Social integration Action 2 Castres


radio.campus@wanadoo.fr Media and communications Action 2 Clermont-Fd
Institut Médico-Educatif (IME) de Cruzille

Social integration of young and children with learning difficulties

Urfol71@club-internet.fr Social integration Action 2 Cruzzille

Creating convivial reception and developping public relations

info@lesvoilesdelespoir.org Art and Culture Action 2 Fecamp
Maison d’enfants « Le Rayon de Soleil»

to help a children to define his objectives for his professional life

(orga. parapluie) AnneeDiaco@aol.com
Youth and Children Action 2 Guebwiller
Mairie de La Chapelle-Saint-André

Restoration of local heritage and environment project in a village

Urfol71@club-internet.fr Environment Action 2 La Chapelle Saint-André
Fondation John Bost

mentally and physically handicapped people

John.bost@wanadoo.fr Health Action 2 La Force
Ligue pour la protection des Oiseaux, Délégation Vendée

protection of birds and their ecosystems

vendee@lpo.fr Environment Action 2 La Roche sur Yon
Centre de plein air organizing nature, environnement and sports sve@crij-poitiers.org Environment Action 2 Lathus
Association Saint-Joseph - Maison d'enfants

children withdrawn from their family

AnneeDiaco@aol.com Social Exclusion Action 2 Le Mesnil ST.Firmin
Centre Social et Culturel du canton de Ménigoute

organizer of youth and Sports

CSC_LES_FORGES@district-parthenay.fr Youth sports Action 2 Les Forges
Mission Locale de Lille

information and orientation of Young people

reussir@nordnet.fr Youth Information Action 2 Lille
UNIS-CITE Rhône-Alpes

projects of service in the community with local structures

Rhone-alpes@unis-cite.org Other Action 2 Lyon
URFOL de Bourgogne (Union régionale des Fédérations des oeuvres laïques)
Collège Bréart

Cultural animation in the school

Urfol71@club-internet.fr Youth Leisure Action 2 Mâcon

Artist against exclusion

camac@camac.org Art and Culture Action 2 Marnay sur seine
Maison des jeunes et la culture de Mazamet

action social educational and intercultural

mjc-mazamet@wanadoo.fr Europan Awarennes Action 2 Mazamet
MJC des 4 Bornes

Animation multimédia

Mjc.4bornes@wanadoo.fr Media and Communications Action 2 Metz
Centre socio-culturel "la Comberie"

Multi-media installation of animations on Europe

sve@crij-poitiers.org Media and communications Action 2 Migné-Auxances
Bureau Information Jeunesse (BIJ) de Mautauban

Youth information office

bij82@bij82.org Youth Information Action 2 Montauban
Solidarités jeunesses - Poitou-Charentes

to develop capacities in creativity, initiative, art

Ltv@solidaritesjeunesses.org Art and Culture Action 2 Montendre
Maison des jeunes et de la culture de Montluçon

creation and diffusion of the amplified musics

accueil@mjc-montlucon.asso.fr music Action 2 Montlucon cedex
Conseil Général de l'Allier

Direction of the Development Economic and Territorial

DDET@003.fr Rural Development Action 2 Moulins
Association AYE AYE V.O

European festival cinema in Nancy

cristeel@wanadoo.fr Art and Culture Action 2 Nancy
Muséum d'histoire naturelle de Nîmes

organizer in a museum of natural history

cemea.boutonnet@wanadoo.fr Art and Culture Action 2 Nimes
Pôle régional des métiers d'art

organizer of regional objets d'art in a space for exposure

fjt.rachel@wanadoo.fr Art and Culture Action 2 Niort
Centre de réeducation fonctionnelle Bretegnier - Fondation Arc en ciel

handicapped people or requiring a functional rehabilitation

AnneeDiaco@aol.com Disabled people Action 2 Hericourt
Jardin d'enfants l'Arc en ciel

will take part in the life of the kindergarten

Je.arcenciel@free.fr Youth and Children Action 2 Jurancon
APECIMM : Association pour la promotion des échanges culturels internationaux

To develop the rural zones

apecimm@infonie.fr Rural Development Action 2 Lalley
AIDES Fédération Nationale

Help for sufferers of the Aids virus.

joucla@aides.worldnet.fr Health Action 2 Pantin
CEMEA (Centre d'Entraînement aux Méthodes d'Education Active)

publications sector this involves participating in the operation and in the press and multimedia activities

chanoir@cnam.fr Media and Communications Action2 Paris
MAG - Mouvement d'affirmation des jeunes gays et lesbiennes

Against the social exclusion of the gay people and lesbians

mag@france.qrd.org Social Exclusions Action 2 Paris
MILSET (Mouvement International pour le Loisir Scientifique Et Technique


milset@milset.org Other Action 2 PARIS cedex 19

Realization of the various activities relative to a project of cultural mediation

cg24.europe@perigord.tm.fr Other Action 2 Perigueux cedex





Contact Details Field Actions Location
Kreis Steinfurt, Jugendamt

EVS Hosting Organisation

- Action 2 Tecklenburg
IN VIA Koln EVS Hosting Organisation - - Action 2 Koeln
Anne Frank Zentrum Berlin e.V. EVS Hosting Organisation annefrankzentrum
- Action 2 Berlin
Filia, griech.-dt. Jugendberatungs- & Begegnungstatte e.V. EVS Hosting Organisation filia@snafu.de - Action 2 Berlin
Deutscher Arbeitskreis fur Familienhilfe e.V. EVS Hosting Organisation - - Action 2 Kirchzarten
Vereinigung Junger Freiwilliger (VJF) EVS Hosting Organisation office@vjf.de - Action 2 Berlin
VIA e.V. Munchen EVS Hosting Organisation via.munich@t-online.de - Action 2 Muenchen
Uckermärkischer Berufsbildungsverein e.V. EVS Hosting Organisation UBV-schwedt@t-online.de - Action 2 Schwedt
Jugendbildungsstätte Theodor Wuppermann e.V. EVS Hosting Organisation jubi-juist
- Action 2 Juist
Verein für Behindertenhilfe EVS Hosting Organisation - - Action 2 Hamburg
Kreis Steinfurt, Jugendamt EVS Sending Organisation jugendamtsteinfurt
- Action 2 Tecklenburg
IN VIA Koln EVS Sending Organisation - - Action 2 Koeln
VIA, Verein für internationalen und interkulturellen Austausch e.V. EVS Sending Organisation via.lueneburg@t-online.de - Action 2 Lüneburg
AFS - Interkulturelle Begegnungen e.V EVS Sending Organisation info@afs.de - Action 2 Hamburg
IFAP -Institut für Angewandte Pädagogik e. V. EVS Sending Organisation EVS_IFAP
- Action 2 Apolda





Contact Details Field Actions Location

Olympic Youthweb
Multimedia Crossroad
Computer Adventure
Walkabout Computers
Info 4 Youth
Youth Comics
Youth Magazine

New Technologies Actions 2 Piraeus
- www.tes.gr
New Technologies Actions 2 Piraeus
HELLENIC AID (Hellenic Association for International Development) Minor hellenicaid@axd.forthnet.gr Information and Family Support Action 2 Alexandroupoli
S.C.I HELLAS PROMO VOLUN 2001 http://www.geocities.-com/scigr
  Action 2 Athens
Hellenic Ornithological Society - Supporting and Promoting nature conservation in the national park of east Macedonia &Thrace
- Protection of the bearded vulture on Crete
Environmental Action 2 Athens
Archipelagos Aigaiou Participation In MERAS http:// www.archipelago.gr
Environmental Action 2 Island of Ikaria
Environmental and Cultural Center Of Kalamata - - Environmental Action 2 Kalamata
FNEC – FISKARDO - Environmental Museum - Underwater community & emergency
- Archaeological, Environmental and social activities
fnec@otenet.gr Environmental Action 2 Fiskardo, Kefalonia
Youth Center Of Korinthias / Youth Council of Korinthias Youth Information Center of Corinthia kpnkorin@otenet.gr Youth Information Action 2 Koliatsou, Korinthos
GENERAL HOSPITAL OF KORINTH Thalassemia and blood donors uni kpnkorin@otenet.gr Children & Youth Action 2 Korinthos
Youth Information Center "FILOXENIA" Youth Club Kryoneri filox@otenet.gr Youth Information & Activities Action 2 Kryoneri - Korinthos
AMALTHEIA The Ecosystem in Lamia thskouras@otenet.gr Environmental Action 2 Loutra Ypatis
EVROPAIKI EKFRASI - Eeast Attiki Forest fire protection-European Volunteers for Athens Forests http://www.ekfrasi.gr
Environmental Action 2 Nea Makri, Athens
Youth Information Center and Youth Coucil Of Nemea Youth Information Center of Nemea niiiiib@otenet.gr Youth Information Action 2 Nemea
East - West University Of Crete East-West environmental protection network cobet@acci.gr Environmental Action 2 Rethimno
PRAXIS Mediart http://www.geocities.-com/praxis_gr/
New Technologies Action 2 Serres
Municipal Youth Council Of Stymphalia / FILOXENIA Lake of Stymphalia filox@otenet.gr Environmental Action 2 Kaliani, Stymphalia
CULTURAL BRIDGE Cultural Heritage - A base for the Future manes@tee.gr Cultural Activities Action 2 Gefyra (Thessaloniki)
ENTEFKTIRIA ENTEFKTIRIA Tasoz@evosmos.gr Cultural Activities Action 2 Evosmos (Thessaloniki)
SAE-Foundation Of The Greek Abroad INFO 21 EURONETWORK - Youth Information Action 2 Thessaloniki
ARCTOUROS Protection of the brown bear http://www.arcturos.gr
Environmental Action 2 Thessaloniki
Youth Association ORFEAS Youth Association Orpheas orfeas@in.gr Culture Activities Action 2 Tragana (Kiato)





Contact Details Field Actions Location
SOS Children Village of Battonya Free time activities at the SOS Children Village of Battonya mesi@matavnet.hu  Youth and Children Action 2 Battonya
Messzelátó Természetvédelmi Egyesület The development of ecotourism and nature conservation in Somogy messzelato@dev3.com Environment Action 2 Békéscsaba
Ark of Noah youth supporting organisation care for children and youth in school and in family gives social assistance, helps families in need with course books, clothing, food, mental help, and counselling. mesi@matavnet.hu Social Integration Action 2 Budapest
ARTUS Association fine-art production, live music, lyrical dialogues, computer- and video art installations artemisszio@axelero.hu Art and Culture Action 2 Budapest
Rügyecskék Alapítvány Ecological way of living: treeplanting, forestcleaning ecc... info@rugyecskek.hu Environment Action 2 Budapest
Színek Világa Alapítvány - St. Clementine Preschool & Kindergarden to promote the visual education developing the creativity of children szinekvi@mail.matavnet.hu Art with Children Action 2 Budapest
Bethesda Children Hospital dealing with children and youth, or taking care of elderly and handicapped. mesi@matavnet.hu Disable People Action 2 Budapest
Színek Világa Alapítvány Creative activities at the St. Clementine Preschool & Kindergarden mesi@matavnet.hu Youth and Children Action 2 Budapest
Hungarian Maltese Relief Organization: National Centre to give in the state of necessity, but also to qualify and instruct full-time and honorary workers on all social fields. muskov@hcbc.hu Social Integration Action 2 Budapest
Sarepta Home for Handicapped Children and Adults mesi@matavnet.hu Disable People Action 2 Budapest
RÉS to develop the regional and local labour market resinfo@resegyesulet.hu Rural Development Action 2 Debrecen
Immanuel Home-Debrecen Creative activities for children and young adults with learning difficulties mesi@matavnet.hu Disable People Action 2 Debrecen
Residential Home for Elderly, Debrecen to help Elderly people mesi@matavnet.hu Elderly Action 2 Debrecen
Nagyközségi Ovoda Environmental education in a Kindergarten info@rugyecskek.hu Environment with children Action 2 Kistarcsa
Fogyatékosok Fóruma Association to provide sports opportunities for the visually as well as the mobility handicapped living in the area, and it encourages and helps the functioning of creative groups fogyatekosokforuma@hotmail.com Youth Sports for disable Action 2 Nyiregyháza
ATEM Foundation for Young People and the Environment Create and increase opportunities for young people to get an education including intercultural aducation and experiences atem@axelero.hu Social Integration Action 2 Pázmándfalu
"Hold my Hand" Foundation Voluntary-service with mentally handicapped youngsters fogdkezem@dravanet.hu Disable People Action 2 Pécs
Green Bridge Foundation Environmental and energetic information, community advising, professional work zold-hid@zold-hid.hu Environment Action 2 Pécs
KIMM Rehabilitation House for Drug Abusers House for Drug Abusers mesi@matavnet.hu  Substance Abuse Action 2 Ráczkeresztúr
Babits Mihály Mûvelõdési Ház és Gyermekek Háza to work in the children programs (sports, handicraft, games etc.) in the youth office and contributes in the other international camp babits@axelero.hu Youth and Children Action 2 Szekszárd
Youth for Rural Areas Association to help young people, youth groups, associations and youth initiatives in rural area, teaching and education youth workers and young people five@vnet.hu Rural Development Action 2 Ullo





Contact Details Field Actions Location
Laut - Akureyrardeild Rauða kross Íslands

socially integrate with mentally ill people

aus@aus.is Social Integration Action 2 Akureyri

The volunteer must assist the staff members and help children which requires more efforts or attention

aus@aus.is Youth and Children Action 2 Dalvík

working against the use of tobacco, alcohol and drugs

felmid@grindavik.is Anti Drugs Action 2 Grindavík
Gamla apótekið

against alcohol- and drugabuse

dori@vest.is elsa@fjolmenningarsetur.is Anti Drugs Action 2 Ísafjörður
Ásgarður Handverkstæði

 place for mentally retarded people

asgardur@asgardur.is Disabled People Action 2 Mosfellsbær

work with the elderly

hateigskirkja@hateigskirkja.is Elderly Action 2 Reykjavík
Hitt Húsið

info & cultural centre for young people

Youth information Action 2 Reykjavík
AUS (ICYE Iceland)

after school centre and a kindergarten for children

aus@aus.is Youth and Children Action 2 Reykjavík
Slysavarnafélagið Landsbjörg-Icelandic Association for Search and Rescue ICE-SAR

Accident prevention and rescue

kolbrun@landsbjorg.is Other Action 2 Reykjavík
RKÍ - Rauði kross Íslands

refuge and helps refugees adapt to Icelandic society

aus@aus.is Social Integration Action 2 Reykjavík
Geymslan, Kaffi-og menningarhús

drug prevention


Anti Drugs Action 2 Sauðárkrókur
Útilífsmiðstöð Skáta Úlfljótsvatni

summercamp for scouts and guides in Iceland

hraunbuar@hraunbuar.is Youth Leisure Action 2 Selfoss





Contact Details Field Actions Location
Mayo Energy Agency

programme to promote energy efficiency, energy conservation and renewable energy within the region

mayonrg@eircom.net Environment Action 2 Ballina
YMCA Ireland

enhance the employability of young people who are disadvantaged

ymcaroi@indigo.ie Social Integration Action 2 Ballincollig Co.Cork
Bantry YMCA

Alcohol and Drugs Education Programme

ymbantry@indigo.ie Anti Drugs Action 2 Bantry, Co Cork
Ballyhall Kindergarten

Early Childhood Education Project (ECEP)

blhl@eircom.net Youth and Children Action 2 Callan

Leades Environmental Awareness Project

leapcw@eircom.net Environment Action 2 Co Cork
Rathfredagh Cheshire Home

people with physical disadvantages

jruddle@tinet.ie Disabled People Action 2 Co Limerick
Cork County Energy Agency

Experience Exchange in Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation

mallowre@indigo.ie Environment Action 2 Co. Cork
Cork Simon Community

Helping the Homeless

info@simoncommunity.com Homeless Action 2 Cork
Institute for Choreography and Dance (ICD)

development of dance through choreographic research

info@instchordance.com Art and Culture Action 2 Cork
Glenans Irish Sailing Club

volunteer organisation with a mission to teach sailing, promote a love of the sea

info@glenans-ireland.com Youth Sports Action 2 Dublin
Brainwave - Irish Epilepsy Association

promotion of an optimal quality of life for people affected by epilepsy

brainwve@iolie Health Action 2 Dublin
Depaul Trust

assist in helping Women Leaving Prison Project

wlpp@depaultrust.net Social Exclusion Action 2 Dublin
BRYR-Ballymun Regional Youth Service

Promoting and Supporting volunteerism in Ballymun

bryrvolunteering@eircom.net Other Action 2 Dublin
Bantry & Dunmanway SCP

to help young people to encourage school attendence and help pupils to reach their full potential

Social Integration
Action 2 Dunmanway
Clare Youth service

will focus on work with disadvantaged young people

cscyslys@aonad.iol.ie Disable People Action 2 Ennis, Co. Clare
EIL (St Laurence Cheshire Home)

to help people suffering from severe, long term physical handicaps

ita@eilireland.org Disable People Action 2 Glanmire, Co. Cork
Kingsriver Community

to help in the life of the community with disabilities people

kingriver@eircom.net Disable People Action 2 Kilkenny
EIL-Brothers of Charity Services

Supporting Social Integration for people without accomodation

ita@eilireland.org Social Integration Action 2 Limerick
European- Patient Internet Cafe Sligo General Hospital

to provide patients, staff and local people with the opportunity to appreciate the benefits of the use of the use of computers and the internet

ita@eilireland.org Other Action 2 Sligo





Contact Details Field Actions Location
Cooperativa CO.GE.S.S

Voyage into diversities

europa@cooptempo-libero.it Disabled People Action 2 Barghe (BS)
Cooperativa Sociale "Ai Rucc e Dintorni" "Ai Rucc e Dintorni": Fight Against Social Exclusion comunitarucc@tin.it Equal Opportunities Action 2 Vobarno (BS)
Carrefour Piemonte - Societa' Consortile Langhe Monferrato Roero Voluntary Service Across Europe carrefour@lamoro.it Youth Information Action 2 Acqui Terme
Circolo Culturale Africa Making Future Together segreteria@circolo-africa.org Youth Information Action 2 Ancona
- Zig Zag: Volontariato non in linea
- V.A.V. VoloAVinchio
info@vedogiovane-asti.it Youth Activities/
Action 2 Asti
Amadeus Ecoart yap@yap.it Local Community Action 2 Avola SR
Associazione del volontariato Comasco Community care: Support associations of the city of Como Info@csv.como.it Youth Information Action 2 Como
Casa Mamma Margherita Mamma Marguerita segreteria@federa
Youth and children Action 2 Badia a Settimo - Firenze
I Girasoli "Acceptance, understanding, support/ help" Antea_er@yahoo.com Social exclusion Action 2 Bagnacavallo
Legambiente – Circolo “Lu Sciacuddri” Archeologicambiente legambiente.madonni@
Art and culture/
Action 2 Bari
Associazione di voluntariato "Il punto" NEW ENERGY IN BARONISSI anpascampania@libero.it Health Action 2 Baronissi
L'isola che c'è -Il cerchio L’isola che c’è eugiov@tin.it Disabled people Action 2 Bastardo (Comune di Giano)
Youth Information Centre of Belluno Young people beyond peaks. info@csvbelluno.it Youth information Action 2 Belluno
Centro Italiano di Solidarieta di Belluno Onlus Dolomites call Europe ceis@sunrise.it Anti-drugs / substance abuse Action 2 Belluno
Famiglia aperta Famiglia aperta adme.bologna@usa.net Youth and children Action 2 Bologna
Senior citizens assistance service Day centre “I Tre Girasoli” giovani@comune.bologna.it Elderly Action 2 Bologna
Senior citizens assistance service Home assistance and “in-city vacations” for senior citizens giovani@comune.bologna.it Elderly Action 2 Bologna
Bologna City Council – Youth Policies and International Exchanges Bureau Web and youth information giovani@comune.bologna.it Youth information Action 2 Bologna

Youth Policies and International Exchanges Bureau
Youth international exchanges
giovani@comune.bologna.it Youth policies Action 2 Bologna
Antea, ass. naz. Terza Età Attiva Helping the Elderly in the local Community Antea_er@yahoo.com Elderly /
Social exclusion
Action 2 Bologna
Associazione san Maurizio Young Lives in Danger uniser@uniser.net Anti-drugs / substance abuse Action 2 Borghi
Associazione amici della torretta Development of an ecological culture for children eugiov@tin.it Environment/
Rural development
Action 2 Borgo Priolo
Agire Handyware and software agire@iol.it Disabled people/
Media and communications
Action 2 Bovolone
Ass Bovolone Promuove Promote your town promo@bovolone.net www.bovolone.net Art and culture
Local community
Action 2 Bovolone
Biblioteca civica "Mario Donadoni" Multimedia library agire@iol.it Media and communications Action 2 Bovolone
Cooperativa Sociale Agora Cooperativa Agora agoraeureka@iol.it Disabled People Action 2 Bozzolo
Tempolibero Cooperativa Support to youth in a Alpine valley europa@cooptempolibero.it
Youth and children Action 2 Brescia
Tempolibero Cooperativa Croce Rossa Italiana (Red Cross) europa@cooptempolibero.it
Social exclusion
Action 2 Brescia
Associazione Interculturale NUR Santuario Nuragico di Santa Vittoria - Serri Welcome of the poor and human promotion assonur@tiscali.it Art and culture/
Heritage protection
Action 2 Cagliari
Filef Sardinian heritage filef@tin.it Art and culture/
Heritage protection
Action 2 Cagliari
Parrocchia S. Elia Social-cultural activities in S'Elia parrocchia.santelia@tis
Youth and children Action 2 Cagliari
Archeoclub d'Italia - Campobello di Licata Elimian Survey campobello@kalat.org Art and culture/
Heritage protection
Action 2 Campobello di Licata AG
Archeoclub d'Italia - Campobello di Licata Celtyk campobello@kalat.org Environment/
Heritage protection
Action 2 Campobello di Licata AG
Archeoclub d'Italia - Campobello di Licata Nice Field campobello@kalat.org Art and Culture Action 2 Campobello di Licata AG
Mamma Margherita - opera salesiana Jonathan segreteria@federazion-escs.org Youth and children Action 2 Camporeale
Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici Prehistoric and tribal art ccsp@globalnet.it Art and Culture Action 2 Capo di Ponte BS
Germoglio comunita di pronta accoglienza The Bud nio.mod@ra.nettuno.it Health Action 2 Capocolle di Bertinoro
Associazione Skandeberg di volontariato Community centre Skanderberg@myline.it Art and Culture
Action 2 Carfizzi (Crotone)
Porta Aperta
Recuperandia info@volontariamo.it Social exclusion (in general) Action 2 Carpi
Porta Aperta
Una citta mille paesi (a city, thousand countries) info@volontariamo.it Social exclusion (in general) Action 2 Carpi
Pepoli campobello@kalat.org Art and History Action 2 Casa Santa Erice TP
Comunità Harambèe - Istituto Sacro Cuore di Gesù Harambee


segreteria@federazion-escs.org Youth Action 2 Casal Monferrato
Istituto Sacro Cuore Educational centre in Casale Monferrato
Youth and children Action 2 Casal Monferrato
Cooperativa sociale "Il Ciottolo" Let’s improve solidarity obiettori.consorzio@libero.it Disabled people Action 2 Casaltone di Sorbolo
Cooperativa Sociale Il Piccolo Principe Percorso di educazione alla pace / mondialità per scuole elementari e medie Piccoloprincipe.lab@libero.it Youth and children Action 2 Casarsa della Delizia
Cooperativa Sociale Il Piccolo Principe Laboratorio protetto per ragazzi portatori di handicap e/o svantaggio sociale Piccoloprincipe.lab@libero.it Youth and children Action 2 Casarsa della Delizia
ARCI N.A. Forlì The House of Music uniser@uniser.net Media and communications Action 2 Forlì
Legambiente Lecco Onlus to promote together with the importance of the Park also a new discover of the traditional agriculture, forest and breeding local activities Legambiente.madonni@tiscalinet.it Environment Action 2 Lecco
Olinda associazione onlus  to work alongside people with mental local activities health problems md4338@mclink.it Health Action 2 Milano
Legambiente Campania to make a wider diffusion of our main activity for children, the environmental education Legacamp@napoli.peoples.it Environment Action 2 Napoli
Associazione "AALMA" (America Latina Messico Asia) involved inseveral activities link to the association's partners in Central America AALMA@comune.re.it Other Action 2 Reggio Emilia
Servizio Civile Internazionale - Branca Italiana del Service Civil International opportunity to take active part in the implementation of a cultural event info@sci-italia.it Art and Culture Action 2 Roma
Argonauti Soc. Coop. office of youth information international.office@tin.it Youth Information Action 2 Palermo





Contact Details Field Actions Location
Aluksne Non governmental organization Support center

to increase social activity of youngsters

nvo_al@inbox.lv Youth Policies Action 2 Aluksne
Barkava Vocational secondary school  to carry out a new type of cooperation including the organisation of the local school youth, in planning and realiping free time activities in the program of EU barkarod@madona.lv Youth Leisure Action 2 Barkava
Azinas Ekologija Reintigration of drug-addicts into society apzinasekologija@inbox.lv Substance Abuse/Social Integration Action 2 Cesu rajons
Children home "Lejasstrazdi" to help children to develop their personality, gifts, to teach them children to live and study together namins@apollo.lv Local Community Action 2 Dobeles parish
"Hope for the Children" Orphanage ("Bernu Cerîba") to take care to the children and prepare them for independent life ejam@navigators.lv  Local Community Action 2 Jelgava
Children's home of Liepaja to help children to develop their personality, gifts, find and learn themeselves and the outer world and to be indipendent spic@spic.lv Local Community Action 2 Liepaja
World - Our Home to work out special cultural events (festival, lectures, different kind of exchanges programs between European countries...) to promote the intercultural exchanges. natashatsovvo@hotmail.com Europan Awareness Action 2 Rezekne
Meridian education and training in using modern communications (computer - from the first step to Internet using, WEB site making, etc.). nvocentrs@rezekne.lv  Media and communications Action 2 Rezekne
Daytime care centre to take care to the persons with mental and physical development disturb. nvocentrs@rezekne.lv Health Action 2 Rezekne
Student Project's Initiative Center - SPIC Free time youth center with children spic@spic.lv Youth Leisure Action 2 Riga
Children home "Ilga" to help orphans and children whose parents cannot take care about them spic@spic.lv Local Community Action 2 Riga
Youth Center Suerte to involve local youngster in to the activities with youngsters with the bad social background suerte@post.com Social Integration Action 2 Riga
SO DK "Luste" to be involved in all kind cultural activities like a helping our dance teacher in dance lessons with new ideas, helping organising festivals and dance performances kvazi@one.lv Art and Culture Action 2 Tukums
Children house "Pargauja" helping to prepare homeworks, organize free time activities pargauja@valmiera.lanet.lv Local Community Action 2 Valmiera





Contact Details Field Actions Location
Verein für Betreutes Wohnen in Liechtenstein

helping unemployed and disadvantaged young people

geschaeftsfuehrung@vbw.li Disable People Action 2 Schaan
Verein Kindertagesstätte Liechtenstein

promote together the creativity of small children

barbara.elmer@kita.li Youth and children Action 2 Schaan
Gemeinschaftszentrum Resch

Social and cultural projects with children, teenagers,old people and adults

info@gzresch.li Art and Culture Action 2 Schaan
Jugendcafe Camäleon

Social and cultural animation in the youth centre

team@camaleon.li Art and Culture Action 2 Vaduz





Contact Details Field Actions Location
Center of Youth Voluntary Activities ''DEINETA''

to take care of mentally disabled children who have chronic mental and intellectual disorders and who need special support

csa@kaunas.omnitel.net Disable People Action 2 Kaunas
Kaunas Children Care Home ''Atzalynas'' to help homeless children, children from disadvantige or convict families csa@kaunas.omnitel.net
Disable People Action 2 Kaunas
Protecting the dignity of the children(CARITAS) to aid the impoverished families in Lithuania's cities caritas@lcn.lt Local Community Action 2 Kaunas
Protecting the dignity of the children(CARITAS) Aid to the victims of trafficking and prostitution caritas@lcn.lt Local Community Action 2 Kaunas
Protecting the dignity of the children(CARITAS) Development of the model of recreational center for people with mental disabile caritas@lcn.lt Local Community Action 2 Kaunas
Kaunas disabled youth day center to help to integrate young people with physical disabilities in society csa@kaunas.omnitel.net Disable People Action 2 Kanuas
Actio Catholica Patria taking care for old people ac_patria@yahoo.com Elderly Action 2 Kanuas
Youth carrier club The socialisation of Young people into the society aldona.v@takas.lt Social Integration Action 2 Kelme
''Teen Club'' Drug abuse prevention among teenagers dpjc@takas.lt Substance Abuse Action 2 Klaipeda
Children Orphanage in Kursenai Kursenai children orphanage info@vcb.lt Local Community Action 2 Kursenai
Day Centre for Disabled Youth to encourage young disable people to improve their creativity info@vcb.lt Disable People Action 2 Radviliskis
Vilnius All Saint parish children temporal care house Social help for disadvantige children, teenagers and their families dalelytes@takas.lt Social Integration Action 2 Vilnius
Pal. J. Matulaicio social centre To investigate the needs of mentally disabled people and their families in the community and to meet them soc.centras@takas.lt Disable People Action 2 Vilnius





Contact Details Field Actions Location
Club Uelzechtdall Asbl

participate in activities, do sports, attend cultural events

club-uelzechtdall@gmx.net Youth Leisure Action 2 Bofferdange
Youth Centre Eisenborn

video-projects with children and young people on one hand

evs@youthhostels.lu Media and Communication Action 2 Eisenborn
Naturpark Öewersauer

To conservation, protection and promotion of natural environment

info@naturpark-sure.lu Environment Action 2 Esch-sur-Sure
Youth Hostel Lultzhausen

A commitment to our environment

evs@youthhostels.lu Environment Action 2 Lultzhausen
Institut pour Infirmes Moteurs-Cérébraux

Helping disabled children

mulheims@pt.lu Disable Peolple Action 2
Inter-Actions - Foyer de Jour Pinocchio & Club des Jeunes - Gare

animation with the children and their families

pinocchio@cmdnet.lu Art and culture Action 2 Luxembourg
Théâtre National du Luxembourg

to take part in the realization of these productions

info@tnl.lu Art and Culture Action 2 Luxembourg
Mouvement écologique

acting for the protection of the environment and a better quality of life

meco@ci.rech.lu Environment Action 2 Luxembourg
Union Grand-Duc Adolphe

dedicated to the national and international promotion of music, folklore and theatre

direction@ugda.lu Art and Culture Action 2 Luxembourg
Lëtzebuerger Guiden a Scouten

 to work in a team for wood-construction, working with heavy material, safety, spiritual dimension of scouting, animating a group

info@lgs.lu Youth Leisure Action 2 Luxembourg
Schëtter Jugendhaus A.S.B.L.

social meeting, information and animation point

schettjh@pt.lu Youth Information Action 2 Munsbach





Contact Details Field Actions Location

Creative Sustainability: Revitalizing Awareness of Cultural Diversity

inizjamed@maltaforum.org Art and Culture Action 2 Pembroke
BirdLife Malta protection of wild birds and their habitats evs@birdlifemalta.org  Environment Action 2 Ta' Xbiex
OASI Foundation the volunteer will be involved in a variety of activities, ranging from administrative preparatory work to the actual leading of other young people participating in the activities info@oasi.org.mt Youth and Children Action 2 Victoria





Contact Details Field Actions Location
Open Vensters

Centre for elderly people

durfoverjegrens@sowkerken.nl Elderly Action 2 Ameide
Stichting IKS, Locatie De Rotonde

young people with problems of different kinds, women who need a special protection, refugees

asfnlb@wordlonline.nl Social Integration Action 2 Amersfoort
Anne Frank Stichting

implementation of the project "Dutch-German border tour of the Anne Frank exhibition

l.rouw@annefrank.nl Other Action 2 Amsterdam
The Operating Theatre

Community Empowerment Through Free Exchange about cinema and theatre

simplykata@hotmail.com.au Art and Culture Action 2 Amsterdam
Tienercentrum De Garage

to work with animals, children, older people, people with a handicap,

tienersaktief@welzijn-westerpark.nl Disable People Action 2 Amsterdam
Parc Spelderholt

for handicapped people, referred to here as people with functional limitations

j.heun@parcspelderholt.nl Disable People Action 2 Beekbergen

is an institution for visually and mentally handicapped people

durfoverjegrens@sowkerken.nl Disable People Action 2 Doorn
Emmaus Haarzuilens

Picking up, Sorting and selling second hand goods

durfoverjegrens@sowkerken.nl Other Action 2 Haarzuilens
Don Bosco Assel

Don Bosco wants to involve a young EVS volunteer in their work with young people who take care for poor and homeless

durfoverjegrens@sowkerken.nl Homeless Action 2 Hoog-Soeren
Het Lichtpunt give support to people with psychosocial problema durfoverjegrens@sowkerken.nl Health
Action 2 Kollumerzwaag
Stichting Werk en Welzijn Leerdam

the care for immigrants and asylum seekers

info@werk-welzijn.nl Migrants Action 2 Leerdam
JONG Rotterdam

Providing inforamtion and counseling to young people living in Rotterdam ans suburbs

jong@jip.org Youth Information Action 2 Rotterdam

working place for disabled people

durfoverjegrens@sowkerken.nl Disable Peolple Action2 Schoorl





Contact Details Field Actions Location
YMCA of Førre and Aksdal Children and youth work in Førre og Aksdal KFUK-KFUM km@kfuk-kfum.no Children & Youth Work Action 2 Asdal
Ungdomshuset 1880 Cultural house for youth "1880" - Projects with performance Art and intercultural learning ingeborg@u1880.no Youth Activities Action 2 Bergen
Victoria Kulturhus Victoria Youth Culture House Activities post@victoriakulturhus.no Youth Activities Action 2 Drammen
Granskogen skole Clavaria: Culture, drama, theatre and music granskog@online.no Children & Youth Activities Action 2 Flataåsen
FYK Physical Activity Project Assistant Jon.olav.leira@sf-f.kommune.no Youth Activities Action 2 Førde
Solund Kommune Cultural project volunteer post@solund.kommune.no Culture & Activities Action 2 Hardbakke
Lundheim Folkehøgskole Lundheim Folkehøgskole office@lundheim.fhs.no Disabled People Action 2 Moi
Norwegian Peace Alliance/International Peace Bureau, Oslo Office Peace Academy (an Internet resource) office@nowar.no Peace Activities Action 2 Oslo
Barne- og ungdomstjenesten Children & Youth Services mostafa.moussaid@bgo.oslo.-kommune.no Youth Activities Action 2 Oslo
Øystese Gymnas Inter-cultural School project barbara.harterink@hordaland-f.kommune.no Culture & Youth Action 2 Øystese
Kristoffertunet Community living with workshops and ecological farming adm@kristoffertunet.no Culture Action 2 Ranheim
Nærmiljøsentralen I Sogndal Assistant to Sogndal Volunteer Central so.naerm@frisurf.no Culture Action 2 Sogndal
Ungdomskulturhuset Tvibit Tvibit youth culture and information centre in Norway sif@tvibit.net Cultural & Media Action 2 Tromsø
Hogganvik Landsby Hogganvik landsby - Camphill abowden@tiscali.no Culture, agriculture, disabled people Action 2 Vikedal
Digitalis Youth Choir WARMING UP magnar.am@online.no
Music & Culture Action 2 Volda





Contact Details Field Actions Location
Prawosławny Ośrodek Miłosierdzia ELEOS

helps children

pom_eleos@bptnet.pl Social Integration Action 2 Białystok
Europejskie Forum Młodzieży to promote and enhance European and cultural integration through linguistic exchange efm@efm.org.pl Other Action 2 Bystrzyca Kłodzka
Stowarzyszenie Rozwoju i Integracji Młodzieży STRIM - strim@strim.org.pl - Action 2 Kraków
Fundacja im. ks. Siemaszki - us@missiocm.org.pl - Action 2 Kraków
Stowarzyszenie Międzynarodowej i Międzykulturowej Wymiany ANAWOJ - anawoj@interia.pl - Action 2 Michałowo (woj. podlaskie)
Dom Opieki Koecio³a Chrzeocijan Baptystow "Nasz Dom"

Elderly people and children

domkchb@wp.pl  Elderly Action 2 Bialystok
Europejskie Forum Mlodziezy to promote internet in town and province, - to organize some exhibition, discussion, competitions and projects about computers and internet for young people from province efm@efm.org.pl Media and Communications Action 2 Bystrzyca Klodzka
Stowarzyszenie Na Rzecz Rozwoju Miasta i Gminy Debrzno create Youth Centre for young people better integrate disabled people into social, cultural and sport activities stowdeb@pro.onet.pl Youth and Children Action 2 Debrzno
Semper Avanti to give the chance to young people and children to have a contact with this kind of choreography and dances as salsa or mamba and othere oriental dances avanti@indexin.com.pl Art And Culture Action 2 Dlugoleka
Invalids Organisation Working with handicapped people - rehabilitation sofia11@wp.pl Disable People Action 2 Gdynia
The Polish Forum of European Education (Polskie Forum Edukacji Europejskiej) to create a permanent transnational network of youth information centres pfee@free.ngo.pl Youth Information Action 2 Katowice
Father Siemaszko Foundation (Fundacja im. ks. Siemaszki) Work with socially disadvantaged young people at the Youth Centre us@missiocm.org.pl Disable People Action 2 Krakow
 Camphill Community in Wojtowka (Stowarzyszenie Wspolnota w Wojtowce) voluntary service for mentally handicapped people or@jedenswiat.org.pl Disable People Action 2 Ladek Zdroj
Fundacja Galeria na Prowincji develop the idea of creating an international centre of art in the Old Theatre and to make cultural exchanges galeria@galeria.pl Art and Culture Action 2 Lublin
Mikolajskie Stowarzyszenie Wspierania Inicjatyw Lokalnych integration of the local community and stimulation the members of local community to different cultural, social and didactic activities rodowo@poczta.onet.pl Other Action 2 Mikolajki
Osrodek Szkolenia I Wychowania help people who came from dysfunctional families to make vocational training, learn new jobs and complete their education dolnoslaska@ohp.pl Social Integration Action 2 Myslakowice
Wild Park Szarejki (Dziki Park Szarejki) Eco-Farm and Wild-Park in Mazury rodowo@poczta.onet.pl Environment Action 2 Nowa Wies
Rehabilitation Centre Monar Integration against drug taking or@jedenswiat.org.pl Anti Drugs Action 2 Orzysz
SEDNO Association for Social Prophylaxis to initiate preventive activities including addiction and HIV/ AIDS education programmes sedno1@wp.plsedno@jzk.poczta.pl Anti Drugs Action 2 Poznan
Polskie Towarzystwo Ochrony Przyrody „Salamandra” Protection of bats sin.mikuszewo@horyzont.net Environment Action 2 Poznan
Mlodziezowy Klub Europejski przy Centrum Ksztalcenia i Wychowania OHP w Dobieszk to take care of underprivileged youth with difficult social and family situation ckwdob@ohp.pl Social Exclusion Action 2 Strykow
Centrum Ksztalcenia i Wychowania OHP w Dobieszkowie to educate and prepare the youth for active social life and to make them aware of and interested in sport ckwdob@ohp.pl Youth Sports Action 2 Stryków
Ochotnicze Hufce Pracy - Zachodniopomorska Komenda Wojewódzka Work with socially disadvantaged young people zachodniopomorska@ohp Disable People Action 2 Szczecin
Powsin Botanical Garden Nature and Ecology Education Centre is based in the Powsin Botanical Garden ecekol@ecekol.edu.pl Environment Action 2 Warszawa
Socio-therapeutic Centre 'From people to people' Socio-therapeutic Centre "Against Violence" - work with children voluntary@silesius.org.pl Mesaures against violence Action 2 Wroclaw
Osrodek Szkolno-Wychowawczy Dzieci Niewidomych im. M. Grzegorzewskiej The main aim of the project is to integrate young disabled people (the blind) into a normal daily life as well as in international activities and intercultural learning saevs@wp.pl Disable People Action 2 Wroclaw





Contact Details Field Actions Location
Av. António Enes, nº31, Centro Comercial de Queluz, 31, sala F-7

help and support disadvantaged children in school age which contribute for their better social inclusion through the free time occupation and the environmental education


Social Inclusion

Action 2


Azinheira - Ass.para o Desenvolvimento Cultural de Redondo

to promote cultural activities, mainly theater ,The activities are drama and theater with children and teenagers


Art and Culture

Action 2


Casa da Criança

children from mothers who are in prison to provide at children a daily life the closest possible with a family environment


Social integration

Action 2

S. Domingos de Rana
Akzente Salzburg

Youth information project

Office@akzent.net Youth Information Action 2 Salzburg
Casa do Povo de São Bartolomeu de Messines

to work with the children on leisure

casa.povo.messines@mail.telepac.pt Youth Leisure Action 2

São Bartolomeu de Messines

Arqueojovem-Ass. Juvenil para a preservação do Património Cultural e Natural

archaeological studies, expositions and other recreational and study activities in the premises of the centre

arqueojovem@ipt.pt Heritage Protection Action 2 Tomar
Arqueojovem-Ass. Juvenil para a preservação do Património Cultural e Natural Youth for a sustainable environment arqueojovem@ipt.pl Environment Action 2 Tomar
ERARQ - Associação de Estudantes ERASMUS em Arqueologia e áreas Colaterais Arqueologia e Património Cultural eraq@mail.telepac.pt Heritage Protection Action 2 Tomar
Académico de Torres Vedras to develop the interest and curiosity for science, specially in the youth, through campains and introduction to the experimental sciences academico@mail.telepac.pt Other Action 2 Torres Vedras
ADIP - Associação de desenvolvimento integrado de Poiares

promote freetime occupation for children and elderly

univavnp@mail.telepac.pt Youth and elderly leisure Action 2 Vila Nova de Poiares
CARPE DIEM - Associação Juvenil para a Arte e Cultura Organization of exhibitions of Plastic Arts and photography; - Organization of National Festivals of Music; - Organization of the Week of the Book carpediem-ajac@clix.pt Art and Culture Action 2  Alcobaca
Associação Terras do Baixo Guadiana Rural Development and Active Citizenship geral@atbaixoguadiana.pt Rural Development Action 2 Alcoutim
Clube Desportivo Recreativo e Cultural Amarense to practice federate athletics and handball, as well as recreation activities such as aerobics, walkings, sportive holiday programes, summer camps, among others). amarense@mail.pt Youth Sports Action 2 Amares
Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa - Nucleo Arcos de Valdevez Elderly people equipa.tecnica@cvp-arcosdevaldevez.org Elderly Action 2 Arcos de Valdevez
Câmara Municipal de Aveiro - Youth Department to provide young people with the possibility of knowing the reality of this region, in it's cultural, social and economical aspects cmjuventude@hotmail.com Other Action 2 Aveiro
Colectividade Sócio Cultural Barrense Rural Area Work a_casinha@sapo.pt Rural Development Action 2 Azinheira de Barros
Fundação Stela e Oswaldo Bonfim make sensibilization of the children for music and art f.bonfim@clix.pt Art and Culture Action 2 Braga
Faculdade de Ciência e Tecnologia - Quinta da Torre
to be involved in the coordination of MARE Mediterranean Social Ecological Youth Network activities and/or the development and implementation of a long-term campaign of the eco-consumer ae-gaia@students.fct.uni.pt  Environment Action 2 Caparica - Almada
Associação para um Mundo Humanitário to provide the opportunity for young people to experience methods of non violent living within community setting Global.youth@gmx.net Other Action 2 Colos
Chapitô- Colectividade Cultural e recreativa de Stª Catarina Art against social exclusion mail@chapito.org Social Exclusion Action 2 Lisboa
Associação de Cidadãos Auto-Mobilizados to participate in the Association's educational and campaigning actions connected with the subject of road safety for drivers and pedestrians aca-m@egroups.com Other Action 2 Lisboa
UPAJE - União para a Acção Cultural e Juvenil Educativa Intercultural Learning for children and youngsters upaje.org@clix.pt Youth and Children Action 2 Lisbon
AFACIDASE- Ass. F.A. cidadão c/ dificuld. adaptação da Serra da Estrela Solidarity action and support to the handicaped citizen mariajose.garces@clix.pt Disable People Action 2 Manteigas
Associação de defesa do património de Mertola the Study and Defence of the Natural and Cultural Heritage info@adpm.rcts.pt Heritage Protection Action 2 Mértola
A Rocha - Associação Cristã de Estudos e Defesa da Natureza Environment   arocha3@mail. telepac.pt  Environment Action 2 Mexilhoeira Grande
Associação Juvenil de Peniche to organize Culturel weeks, book markets, fashion shows, rycicled workshop's, holidays camps, theatre workshop's, national and internacional exchanges nop17198@mail.telepac.pt
Youth Leisure Action 2 Peniche
Espaço T - Associação para apoio à integração social e comunitária to integrate people, who are socially discredited, through the Art espacot@espacot.pt Art with Disable Action 2 Porto





Contact Details Field Actions Location
Romanian Red Cross - Botosani Branch

to care and a wider and more creative range of activities and opportunities for the children, youth, adults and elderly

crbt@assist.ro Health Action 2 Botosani
Romanian Red Cross Society - Brasov Branch daily social centre for homeless crbv@rdslink.ro Homeless Action 2 Brasov
Salvati Copiii Romania to promote children's rights in accordance with the UN Convention through educational programs, social care programs and lobby for respecting children's rights. rosc@mb.roknet.ro Equal Opportunities Action 2 Bucharest
Adolescentul Association to provide services for teenagers from orphanages, former drug adicted and other young people in need adolesc@itcnet.ro Anti-Drugs Action 2 Bucuresti
Adolescentul Association young people facing aids without any discrimination adolesc@itcnet.ro Anti-Drugs Action 2 Bucaresti
 Organizatia Umanconstruct to assure the process of re-integration by recovery in the psychological-social-pedagogical area - To secure decent living conditions; food, shelter, medical care and social assistance umanconstruct@frccf.org.ro Social Integration Action 2 Cluj Napoca
Crucea Rosie Vrancea Disabled children rehabilitation redcrossro@yahoo.com Disable People Action 2 Focsani
YOUNGSTERS WITHOUT BORDERS to help gypsy communities- courses like English competences, computer literacy, civic education,intercultural learning Florin_75_1999@yahoo.com Social Integration Action 2 Musetesti
Miscarea Tinerilor pentru Pace - Filiala Oradea To assist the local community dog shelter from Oradea / To help the local community to improve the animal protection environment alexandru@rdsor.ro yapor@rdslink.ro Local Community Action 2 Oradea
"Gheorghe Sincai" County Library - Oradea to try to increase the number of readers by organising different events, exchanges, exhibitions plus animation and training courses. alexandru@rdsor.ro yapor@rdslink.ro Other Action 2


Association Rom pentru rom to help integrating the young rom minority in the community  rompentrurom@hotmail.com Local Community Action 2 Panciu
Red Cross Society - Sibiu branch to identify the needs of the population of Sibiu and to find the methods and possibilities to reach them. crsb@easynet.ro Local community Action 2 Sibiu
Romanian Red Cross Society - Suceava branch to help at the distribution of the provisions for families with low incomes, to provide at quality of education activities to the community's children, youngsters and AIDS infected persons cornel@redcross.suceava.ro Social Integration Action 2 Suceava





Contact Details Field Actions Location
Slovac Union of protectors of nature and landscape

protection of nature and landscape with children and youth

saia-po@unipo.sk Environment Action 2 Presov
CVC JUNIOR will be able to plan activities, to help organizing leisure time activities and events for young people, summer camps, creating, preparing and planning international youth exchange projects: juniorbb@stonline.sk Youth leisure Action 2 Banska Bystrica
Slovensky skauting / Scounting Slovakia International Scout Centre Banska Stiavnica macharik@scouting.sk Youth and children Action 2 Banska Bystrica


W-EKOKLUB to build up a model cultural and ecological club, supplying a space for students to realise and present their free-time activities w_ekoklub@zmail.sk Youth leisure Action 2


Banska Bystrica


Organisation of help to physically disabled youth to help physically disabled youth baletka@stonline.sk Disable People Action 2 Bezovce
Ideal youth activity Preparing free time activities for young people ima-ztpm@changenet.sk Youth leisure Action 2 Bratislava

The Union of Clubs for children and Youth in Slovakia
to help physically disabled children and youth alenamichalova@amicorp.sk Diable People Action 2 Bratislava
Foundation - Center for Contempory Arts Art creative project and administrative work katka@scca.sk Art and Culture Action 2 Bratislava
ZTPM - association of disabled youth Help with free time activities for handicapped youth ima-ztpm@changenet.sk Disable People Action 2 Bratislava
YMCA Slovakia work with children/summer camps - cultural events / concerts, social evenings for youth and adults - start up of christian youth work /open for new ideas ymca@ymca.sk www.ymca.sk Youth Leisure Action 2 Bratislava 1
YMCA na Slovensku to motivate young local people and involve them in the work in a more active way. ymca@ymca.sk Unemployed Action 2 Bratislava 1
Children Centre VOTUM to integrate people with disabilities in normal daily life and learn from each other jhodekova@post.sk Local Community Action 2 Devinska Nova Ves
Informacne centrum mladych will assist in leading a dancing course with help of a youth worker of the Centre for younger and older children. humenne@icm.sk Youth Leisure Action 2 Humenne
Arcidiecézna Charita Košice to help in situation of emergency but also to educate and yualify proffesional and voluntary staff in the social sector adch-ke@charita-ke.sk Social Integration Action 2 Košice
Centre for leisure time DOMINO Play with kids sekret@cvcdomino.sk Youth leisure Action 2  Košice
Social care centre for people with disabilities provide social and education care for children, youth and adults with disabilities dssmichalovce@stonline.sk Social Integration Action 2 Michalovce
Alexu Association to Help Children and Nature to help abandoned children, orphans, and children who are growing up in children´s homes alexu@alexu.sk Social integration Action 2 Nitra
Centrum volneho casu (Free Time Centre) DOMINO free time activities for children cvcdomino@stonline.sk Youth leisure Action 2 Nitra
CENTRUM VOLNEHO CASU DUHA work with children in the centre of leisure time activities cvc@sl.sinet.sk Youth leisure Action 2 Strazske
INSTITUT KRISTA VELKNAZA THE INSTITUT OF CHRIST THE HIGH PRIEST work with disabled person and homeless people ikv@stonline.sk Disable People Action 2 Zakovce





Contact Details Field Actions Location

Youth club with picture gallery and small stage for performances, dark-room with posibility of photo developing, session room, concert hall, two exhibitions halls, basketball playground and gym

MC-BREZICE@SIOL.NET Youth leisure Action 2 BREZICE
Mladinski center Celje educate and make free time more fun with all kinds of courses, workshops and seminars info@mc-celje.si Youth leisure Action 2 Celje
Drustvo zaveznikov mehkega pristanka Multimedia center and TV-magazine drustvo.dzmp@guest.arnes.si Media and Communication Action 2 Krsko
MATERINSKI DOM LJUBLJANA the children get new positive emotional and social experience with learning to know new people irena@zavod-voluntariat.si Social Integration Action 2 Ljubljana
DRMK-Drustvo za razvoj mladinske kulture to organise various cultural and artistic events (concerts, festivals, performances, exhibitions, lectures etc.), for doing some actions in the environmental area drmk@email.si Art with envinroment Action 2 Ljubljana
Jesuit Refugee Service Social and cultural integration of refugees and asylium seekers marijan_sef@rkc.si Social Integration Action 2 Ljubljana
Zavod Janeza Smrekarja, OE Skala  Youth Street education skala@salve.si Youth and Children Action 2 Ljubljana
Škofijska karitas Maribor Help disabled people with mental and psychical troubles karitas@slon.net Disable People Action 2 Maribor
ASSCOIATION FOR CULTURE AND EDUCATION KIBLA (ACE KIBLA) organising computer workshops for unemployed, job seekers and student to work with and learn from our expert in the field of graphical and web design kibla@kibla.org Media and Communication Action 2 Maribor
Mozaik - Drustvo za socialno vkljucenost Developing social and economical programs alojz.kavas@mail.ir-rs.si Urban Development Action 2 Murska Sobota
Onej - ART CENTRE, Institute for Culture, Art and development the involvement of the volunteers into the cultural activities of the hosting organization onej@siol.net Art and Culture Action 2 Prosenjakovci
Mladinski center PODLAGA - Youth centre Podlaga; Zavod za šport Sežana to help in the youth information office info@mcpodlaga.com Youth Information Action 2 Sezana
Cultural association ROV Zelezniki organizing cultural events (concerts, exhibitions,... ), providing place and equipment for young artists (rehearsal rooms, working shops) and also providing a place for daily activities (audio & video, literary & info library; for youngsters in general. mkcrov@mail.ljudmila.org Art and Culture Action 2 Zelezniki





Contact Details Field Actions Location
Asamblea Cruz Roja to help isolated people of society may integrate in society through voluntary support. barcelonavoluntaria@correu.
Social Integration Action 2 Vilanova i la Geltrú
IFAD-ESPAÑA To search for cultural, social, sport, and working opportunities for the socially non-privileged groups ifad@arrakis.es Disable People Action 2 Albacete
Voluntariado de Accion Social Socio-health volunteering, Accompaniment and support to children and youngsters from the hospital of Albacete vas@amialbacete.com Health Action 2 Albacete
Asociacion Juvenil Ubu Youth and theatre, sociocultural management in art scenics field ubu_teatro@mixmail.com Art and Culture Action 2 Albacete.Castilla-La Manch
Patronato Sociocultural de Alcobendas-Casa de la Juventud Animation with refugees Sve@eurojoven.org  juventud@alcobendas.org Homeless Action 2 Alcobendas
Asociación Casa Oberta to help drug-abusers that don't have an appropiate family Promocion.voluntariado@ua.es Substance Abuse Action 2 Alicante
Federación Almeriense de Asociaciones de Minusválidos Support in activities for Handicapped people 0001csal@larural.es Disable People Action 2 Almería
Asociación para la Tercera Edad El Verdader Support to elderly emaus@ctv.es Elderly Action 2 Altea (Alicante)
Ayuntamiento de Ampudia Collaboration in a endogenous rural development process adl.ayto.ampudia@solucion.net Rural development Action 2 Ampudia
Associació Montseny-Guilleries Attention to adult people with psychical disabled. cetmontseny@teleline.es Disable People Action 2 Arbúcies
Asociación Juvenil La Rotllana social inclusion through group sport larotllana@menta.net Youth Sports Action 2 Badalona
Organización Colectivo Ecologista de Arnedo y Cidacos Reforestation, Ecological Agriculture internacional@cjrioja.org Environment Action 2 Arnedo (La Rioja)
Foment d'arts decoratives to interests and motivation for the world of culture and design shared exhibitions, common publishings fad@fadweb.com Media and Communication Action 2 Barcelona
Barcelona Voluntaria to Inform youngsters about youth programmes To sensitise to mass medias about the activities developed by the organizations To difund using Internet values and youth programmes barcelonavoluntaria@correu.
Other Action 2 Barcelona
Asociación Payasos sin Fronteras to collaborate in doing statistical studies of poor countries and zones in conflict to participate in stenography and body expression courses to go to the hospitals to make seek children smile. barcelonavoluntaria@correu.
Youth Information Action 2 Barcelona
European Bureau for Conscientious Objection ( Associació Buró Europeu...) BEOC Work for Peace and Human Rights through Conscientious Objection ebco@pangea.org Equal Opportunities Action 2 Barcelona
Delegación Diocesana del Apostolado de Mar to go to ships in Barcelona´s seaport to invite sailors and give the opporunity to phone their families, to send letters, to play ping-pong or billiards - Sailors will receive legal and social advice and any attention they need barcelonavoluntaria@correu.
Other Action 2 Barcelona
Asociacion española contra el cancer. Junta Provincial de Barcelona Volunteers against Cancer barcelonavoluntaria@correu.
Health Action 2 Barcelona
Club Rincón de Villanueva Futbol Sala Favour the social integration of the young people of our town by means of sport rvfs@hotmail.com Youth Sports Action 2 Beniaján
FUNDACIÓN EDE  to favour a tracking of the drugdependents who like to follow a free of drugs treatment to help them give up their acquired habits of drug abuse. fundacionede@fundacionede.org Substance abuse Action 2 Bilbao
Asociación de Padres de Personas con Autismo to help people with autism autismoburgos@retemail.es Disable People Action 2 Burgos
Agaden.- asociacion gaditana para la defensa y el estudio de la naturaleza collaborate in the activities of information and attention to the users of the association for the environment cadiz@agaden.org Environment Action 2 Cadiz
Escuela de Tiempo Libre Sargantana Environmental education in leisure and free time programmes Sargantana@sargantana.org Environment Action 2 Canfranc Pueblo
CEAR (Centro Español de Ayuda al Refugiado) helping youth refugees from African countries at war, their ntegration and adaptation in our country. aec@fox.jet.es Social Integration Action 2 El Ejido, Telde
Global Nature Foundation develops national projects for the environment conservation, it contributes to the rural development and to the maintenance of threaten species jguzon@fundacionglobalnature.org Environment Action 2 Fuentes de Nava.Palencia
Huelva Acoge promote tolerance and solidarity in our society. Huelva-acoge@mx3.redestb.es Other Action 2 Huelva Andalucía
Ayuntamiento de Huesca Provide the citizens with access to information which, more and more, is transmitted in computer means. to help the information place, where the citizens can learn the new technologies javierbrun@abonados.cplus.es Media and Communications Action 2 Huesca
Asociacion Cultural Ulyses To get a formative experience in the organization of cultural events To give the chance of participating in the planning of a cinema festival and making a pedagogical action in a Spanish organisation Info@incurt.org Art and Culture Action 2 Lleida
Ajuntament de Lleida Development Cooperation and fight against racism and xenophobia infopoint@paeria.es Anti racism Action 2 LLeida
XARXA Diffusion and Sensitization of Environment in Rural Area Xarxafor@infonegocio.com Rural Development Action 2 Lliria
CEPESMA Protection and study of sea species Cepesma@cefaceos.com Environment Action 2 Luarca
Fundacion Betesda People with mental disabilities:breaking barriers AFAIJ.SPAIN@terra.es Disable People Action 2 Madrid
Asociación DIANOVA España a therapy Centre of Drug Prevention and Drug Treatment AFAIJ.SPAIN@terra.es Anti-Drugs Action 2 Madrid
Amigos Da Terra Galicia- Xuventude Environmental Education and Nature Centre sve.ourense@centroiris.org Environment Action 2 Ourense (Galicia)
Club Internacional de la Amistad Collaboration with the schools of Palencia in the execution of free time sport activities spaincup@arrakis.es Youth Sports Action 2 Palencia
Asociación de Animación de Rua, Ru@ctiva Alternative Cultures Festival galicia@cooperativa.org Art and Culture Action 2 Pontevedra
Fundación Relleu de la Comunidad Valenciana Support to elderly emaus@ctv.es Elderly Action 2 Relleu (La Marina Baixa)
Instituto de Desarrollo Comunitario de Galicia the promotion of the rural development. carrefour@idcdg.com Rural Development Action 2 Santiago de Compostela
Centro de Iniciativas para la Cooperación- BATÁ- (Sevilla) Participate in youth information and promotion activities about the relationship between mass media and social subjects (voluntary service, North-South conflicts, social exclusion,etc.) Cicbata@cicbata.org Youth Information Action 2 Sevilla (Andalucía)
Comité Provincial de Cruz Roja Española en Valladolid( Mayores) to help elderly and sick persons Valladolid@cruzroja.es Health Action 2 Valladolid





Contact Details Field Actions Location

dance activities in the countryside for youngsters and adults in the village every evening and weekend.

helena.ehrstrand@telia.com Art and Culture Action 2 Viksjöfors
Alingsås Parish to give children and young people the possibility to meet different cultures and work to communicate a loyal view upon human beings elifa@sssd.se Youth and Children Action 2 Alingsås
UG Norpan to help young people to know about other cultures and other way of living tori.c@home.se Youth and Children Action 2 Ånäset
Grytnäs församling to make young people who are balancing on the border of social exclusion open their minds to the possibility of doing something else with their lives Grytnas.forsamling@svenskakyrkan.se Social Exclusion Action 2 Avesta
Fritidsverksamhet i Hökarängen To create an interest and inspiration for learning foreign languages and to get to know about other cultures and religions and also to fit in better in a common Europe louise.fritid@chello.se Youth Information Action 2 Farsta
De la Gardie Gymnasium, Cooperation Project Individual Program How to prepare, arrange and evaluate national and international exchanges The service will be based to the office and most of the time will be spent as an extra leader for a group of disadvantage young people lennart.franden@delagardie social Integration Action 2 Lidköping
Herrljunga Table Tennis Club to bring our sport of table tennis ecc..into the primary schools in our area and stimulate interest through regular visits, exhibitions, demonstrations and seminars. audin@home.se Youth Sports Action 2 Herrljunga
Herrhagens youthclub Lesiuretime for youngsters and children hefg001@fritid.karlstad.se Youth leisure Action 2 Karlstad
Riksgymnasiet för Döva och Hörseleskadade Pedagogic activity for deaf and hearing lilliann.eriksson.gr
Disable People Action 2 Örebro
Skövde kommun to take care of old people petra.senthen@skovde.se Elderly Action 2 Skövde
Salemförsamlingen Vargön youth-club and various other youth-orientated activities. www.salemkyrkan.nu Youth and Children Action 2 Vargön


United Kingdom



Contact Details Field Actions Location
TFG - Elgood House

to take care suffer from mental illness and are vulnerable

volunteer@timeforgod.org   www.timeforgod.org Disable People Action 2 London
TFG - Durning Hall Community Centre to work with the unemployed or people with special needs volunteer@timeforgod.org 
Disable People Action 2 London
TFG - St Thomas (Stopsley Parish Church) the work  includes planning, organising and leading certain activities. the work focuses mainly on children and young people volunteer@timeforgod.org   www.timeforgod.org Youth and Children Action 2 London
TFG - Stratton House MHA will be in arranging and providing activities for the elderly people volunteer@timeforgod.org 
Elderly Action 2 London
TFG - The Mountain Centre provides instruction in a number of outdoor activities for homeless people including canoeing, white water rafting, abseiling, and mountain climbing team sports, orienteering and obstacle courses volunteer@timeforgod.org 
homeless Action 2 London
Plas Lluest Day Services to help people with learning disabilities engage in art activities in the local community as well as in the day base. pam@prospectsdc.fsnet.co.uk Art with disable People Action 2 Aberystwyth
Pestalozzi International Village Trust Promotes education for sustainable development and international understanding with children office@pestalozzi.org.uk European Awareness Action 2 Battle
Bryson House - Children's Express Journalism for Young People bryson.stu@dnet.co.uk Media and Communication Action 2 Belfast
Tools for Solidarity to take part in all aspects of work (collects and refurbishes used, broken or unwanted tools), including planning and evaluation meetings, and to contribute ideas to the projects. Tools.Belfast@virgin.net Local Community Action 2 Belfast
Belfast & Lisburn Women's Aid providing support and services to women and children who experience domestic violence admin@belfastwomensaid.org.uk Other Action 2 Belfast
Belfast Festival at Queens to provide a range of social and environmental work which benefit vulnerable individuals and local communities. bryson.stu@dnet.co.uk Local Community Action 2 Belfast
The Depaul Trust - ALDO House to support disadvantaged young people between the ages of 16 and 21 years. These young people may have been in trouble with the police they may be homeless and unemployed, have been through local authority care or have a history of misusing drugs or alcohol. clair@depaultrust.org Social Integration Action 2 Bradford
Peace Child International Youth Empowerment and Education for Sustainable Development uk@peacechild.org Other Action 2 Buntingford
UNA Exchange - Co-ordinating Organisation to work with young people who have been excluded from schoool or who are suffering problems at home, people with learniing and physical disabilities as well as local school and youth groups and the general public info@unaexchange.org Local Community Action 2 Cardiff, Wales
Carrickfergus YMCA Helping children and young people with performance arts and develop to their fullest potential by focusing on the development of self awareness, confidence, interpersonal relationships, understanding diversity and taking responsibility for their own actions june.spindler@carrickymca.org Art and Culture Action 2 Carrickfergus
ICP - Cowbridge Youth Centre work with video production training, video projects with local young people and other cultural activities, promoting inter-cultural understanding. icpwales@ukonline.co.uk Media and Communication Action 2 Cowbridge
Solway Heritage Participation in heritage landscape development solwayheritage@solwayheritage.
Heritage Protection Action 2 Dumfries
TFG - Bethany Homemaker tackling homelessness and deprivation on several levels also has a drug rehabiltation project volunteer@timeforgod.org   www.timeforgod.org Youth leisure Action 2 Edinburgh
ICP - Theatr Fforwm Cymru works with marginalised groups like drug addicts, ex-addicts, young offenders, people with special needs, people who are mentally ill and young single parents icpwales@ukonline.co.uk Local Community Action 2 Goodwick
Everything's Possible Work within two local community organisations promoting youth sports with disadvantaged young people. The community groups offer various activities around sports and health Clair@everythingspossible.org Youth Sports Action 2 Leeds
British Red Cross to meet the needs of people with autism, their families and carers throughout the north west by providing a comprehensive range of services which are personal, friendly and innovative ksheldon@redcross.org.uk social Integration Action 2 London
British Red Cross works with pre-school children with physical and/or learning disabilities, their siblings and parents ksheldon@redcross.org.uk Disable People Action 2 London
TFG - Spitalfields - Working with the homeless Working with the homeless volunteer@timeforgod.org  www.timeforgod.org Homeless Action 2 London

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Action 5.1.1 activity 9 “Support for quality and innovation of the Program Youth.”
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