First Aid Kit
Bites & Scratches
Eye Injuries
Head Injuries
Heart Attack
Heat related conditions
Hyperventilation attack
Panic Attacks
Recover Position

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Burns and Scalds

Burns are injuries to body tissues caused by heat, chemicals or radiation. Scalds are caused by wet heat, such as steam or hot liquids. Burns are classified according to the area and depth of injury. Superficial burns involve only the outer layers of the skin, cause redness, swelling, tenderness and usually heal well. Intermediate burns form blisters, can become infected, and need medical aid. Deep burns involve all layers of the skin, which may be pale and charred, may be pain free if nerves are damaged, and will always require medical attention.

To limit tissue damage, the burned area should be cooled down immediately by flooding the area with slow running water for at least 10 to 20 minutes. If no water is available, clothing should be remove immediately from the injured area, (only if it is not stuck to the skin) clothing soaked with hot liquids retains heat (avoid pulling clothing over the face).


Severe Burns and Scalds

  •  Cool the burn area with water for 10 to 20 minutes. Or use Burn Gel.
  •  Lay the casualty down and make him as comfortable as possible, protecting burn area from ground contact.
  •  Gently remove any rings, watches, belts or constricting clothing from the injured area before it begins to swell.
  •  Cover the injured area loosely with sterile unmediated dressing or similar non fluffy material and bandage.
  •  Don't remove anything that is sticking to the burn.
  •  Don't apply lotions, ointments, butter or fat to the injury.
  •  Don't break blisters or otherwise interfere with the injured area.
  •  Don't over-cool the patient and cause shivering.
  •  If breathing and heartbeat stop, begin resuscitation immediately,
  •  If casualty is unconscious but breathing normally, place in the recovery position.
  •  Treat for shock.
  •  Send for medical attention.

Minor Burns and Scalds

  •  Place the injured part under slowly running water, or soak in cold water for 10 minutes or as long as pain persists.
  •  Gently remove any rings, watches, belts, and shoes from the injured area before it starts to swell.
  •  Dress with clean, sterile, non fluffy material.
  •  Don't use adhesive dressings.
  •  Don't apply lotions, ointments or fat to burn/ scald.
  •  Don't break blisters or otherwise interfere.
  •  If in doubt, seek medical aid.

Chemical Burns

  •  Flood the area with slowly running water for at least ten minutes.
  •  Gently remove contaminated clothing while flooding injured area, taking care not to contaminate yourself.
  •  Continue treatment for SEVERE BURNS
  •  Remove to hospital.


  •  Remove the casualty to the shade and cool the skin by sponging gently with cold water.
  •  Give sips of cold water at frequent intervals.
  •  If the burns are mild, gently apply an after sun cream.
  •  For extensive blistering, seek medical help.

Burn Treatment Products. Some of these products are available from your Pharmacy or First aid supplier:

  •  Cool It™ topical cooling gel
  •  Burn Relief
  •  Spenco® 2nd Skin
  •  Ice Cold spray
  •  Ice packs
  •  Telfa pads
  •  Water Jel® products
  •  Cool Jel®
  •  Heat Shield
  •  Burn wrap 

First Aid Kit Asthma Bites & Scratches Bleeding Broken Burns CPR Chocking Diabetes Electrocution Epilepsy Eye Injuries Head Injuries Heart Attack Heat related conditions Hyperventilation attack Panic Attacks Unconsciousness Recover Position Germs

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