Action 1
Action 2
Action 3
Action 4
Action 5

Action 1


  •  What is NOT a Youth for Europe Exchange?

A Youth Exchange is NOT to go to France with six friends for ten days as a holiday.
It is NOT to make a program to meet our friends from last year and whoever they bring with them.
It is NOT to go on whatever project because you get accommodation and tickets for free.

According to the User's Guide, the following activities are not eligible for grants under the YOUTH program: statutory meetings of organizations, holiday travel, language courses, school class exchanges, academic study trips, performance tours, competitions, exchange activities which can be classed as tourism, exchange activities which aim to make financial profit.


  •  I can choose whatever subject I want?

Yes. As long as the subject is related with youth and the participants get completely involved in it and explore it together.

The chosen theme should also be present in the daily activities of the exchange. Examples of themes are music, films, local heritage, environment, information technology, racism, xenophobia and drug abuse.


  •  I can apply for a Youth exchange for two months?

No. The established time for a Youth Exchange is between 6 and 21 days, excluded travel and preparation time.


  •  How is the grant calculated?

The YOUTH program covers a portion of the cost of the exchange. Basically you get 70% of the actual travel costs, a fixed amount for preparation and program activities, and a fixed rate per day/per participant. The grant for preparation can include a planning visit to the host country for one or two persons.


  •  What's the difference between project dates and activity dates?

The project dates include the process from preparation to evaluation. The activity dates are the days of the actual exchange visit (days of hosting or traveling). Any costs incurring before the project starting date cannot be covered by the YOUTH program.


  • Why have youth exchanges?

Exchanges are intended to contribute to the personal development of the young participants. The exchanges are open to all British young people, regardless of their background, education, or socio-economic situation.


  • What is a youth exchange?

A youth exchange brings together groups of young people from different backgrounds from two, or several countries, providing them with an opportunity to meet, discuss and confront various themes, whilst learning about each other's countries and cultures.


  • Who can participate?

Groups of young people aged between 15 to 25 years of age, who are legally resident in a country are eligible to participate in the program.


  • Who are the partners in a youth exchange?

Each youth exchange has a host group and one or a number of sending groups. The first step is to form a group, which will develop the project idea. The second step is to identify partners for the future exchange.


  • What are the general project criteria?

Group size and Duration: A minimum total of 16 and not more than 60 participants. Partners must be balanced in terms of their number of participants. Duration is from 6 to 21 days, excluding travel.

Group leaders: Each group should nominate group leaders. The leadership team's task is to oversee the smooth running of the project.


  • What are multilateral exchanges?

They involve groups of young people from at least three program countries. The exchange must take place in one of the countries involved in the project. For multilateral exchanges involving at least four program countries, the host organization applies, on behalf of all the partners for all costs, to their National Agency.

There are also other types of activities which the European Commission will consider on a case-by-case basis, such as: Itinerant multilateral exchanges, when the entire exchange group moves during the activity from one country to another.


  • How is a project financed?

The grant is calculated on the basis of real costs for travel and fixed rates for all related costs. The exact amounts are detailed in the application forms.


  • Where is the European dimension?

The impact of a youth exchange should also bring the concept of "Europe" to the local community, and raise and promote a more positive awareness of other cultures.


Home Program Youth N. Agencies FAQ
 Action 5.1 activity 9 “Support for quality and innovation of the Program Youth.”
Project no: 5.1/R1/2003/06 Made by Hienet working Teams in cooperation with T.E.S.